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词汇 尽情
例句 He returned to Britain so that he could indulge his passion for football.他重返英国,为的是可以尽情释放自己对足球的激情。Relax on the beach or enjoy the hustle and bustle of the busy fishing port.要么在海滩上尽情放松,要么去观赏一下繁忙的渔港中那熙来攘往的景象。People at the wedding laughed and danced with joy.人们在婚礼上开怀欢笑,尽情跳舞。Pour out your affection without stint.尽情倾吐你的喜爱之情。She likes to get down on the dance floor.她喜欢在舞厅尽情狂舞。He had done his share of partying in college.他在大学期间尽情吃喝玩乐。Going to the movies in the afternoon is one of my big self-indulgences.下午去看电影是我尽情放纵自己的一种方式。When she got paid, she indulged in an orgy of spending.她拿到薪水后便放任自己尽情消费。Have as much fun as possible at college, but don't let it take precedence over work.在大学要尽情娱乐,但不要把它看得比学习还重要。Eva joined in the hilarity as much as anyone.伊娃和其他人一样尽情欢笑。Pat spent most of his time at college going to parties and living it up.帕特在大学里大部分时间都在参加聚会,尽情享乐。At night, a good place to boogie through till sunrise is the Pink Panther Bar.在晚上,粉红豹酒吧是一个能够通宵尽情跳舞的好地方。The beer festival was a huge open-air jamboree with music, stalls and everyone enjoying themselves.啤酒节是一场大型的露天狂欢,有音乐和货摊,每个人都尽情享乐。The orator paused to allow the wild, joyous response free rein.演说家顿了一顿,让听众尽情作出热狂雀跃的反响。Rob just let her talk and get it all out of her system.罗布只是听任她诉说着,让她尽情宣泄自己的情绪。You need a colour television to fully appreciate nature programmes.你需要一台彩色电视来尽情观赏描述大自然的节目。They consummated their passion only after many hesitations and delays.他们几经踌躇和拖延后才尽情宣泄了激情。He wanted just to be able to let his feelings out.他只想尽情释放自己的情感。The band whooped it up for the sold-out crowd.乐队为自己的演出座无虚席而尽情庆祝。He enjoys dangerous sports from the comfort of his couch.他喜欢舒舒服服地坐在长沙发上,尽情观看各种危险运动。They made a parody meal of his accent.他们模仿他的乡音来尽情嘲弄他。Visitors young and old let their hair down and enjoyed the show.老老少少的游客都放松下来尽情观赏演出。I was downtown, so I decided to indulge in a little shopping.我在城里,于是决定尽情买点东西。Keaton comes here once or twice a year to soak up the atmosphere.基顿每年到这里来一两次,为的是尽情感受这里的气氛。The first day was dedicated to revelling and intoxication.头一天就是尽情饮酒作乐。Going to the movies is one of my big self-indulgences.看电影是我尽情放纵自己的方式之一。




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