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例句 Tolkien himself would be awestruck at the feat of imagination his great work has inspired Jackson to.托尔金的巨著激发了杰克逊如此非凡的想象,就连托尔金本人也会为之肃然起敬。This particular murder case was so horrific that it shocked even the most hard-bitten of New York police officers.这起特别的谋杀案是如此可怕,就连纽约最老练的警官都为之震惊。Even Louis began to think their union was not blessed in the eyes of God.就连路易斯都开始认为他们的婚姻并没有受到上帝的祝福。Not even her roommate had cared enough to warn her.就连她的室友也懒得告诫她。Even the smallest baby can identify its mother by her voice.就连年龄最小的婴儿也能根据声音分辨出自己的妈妈。This detergent will remove even old stains.这种洗涤剂就连以前的顽渍也能除去。The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel hopeless about job prospects.经济危机使得找到工作几乎成为不可能,就连能力出众的学生都对工作前景不抱希望。It's been one thing after another since I started renting out the place to students.自从我把房子租给学生后,就连连碰上倒霉事。Even young children often become curious about drugs.就连小孩子也常常对毒品感到好奇。I was too tired and frightened to find comfort in that familiar promise.我既疲惫又恐惧,就连那熟悉的承诺都无法让我感到安慰。We have to walk a considerable distance to find so much as a newspaper stand.就连找一个报摊,我们也得走很多路。 I can't keep anything down, not even water.我什么也咽不下,就连水也喝不下。Even people who start exercising quite late in life notice considerable benefits.就连在晚年才开始锻炼的人也发现好处相当大。Even the extras were dressed like kings and queens.就连群众演员也穿戴得如同国王和王后。Even experienced navigators feared the treacherous currents.就连经验丰富的航海者也害怕变幻莫测的水流。There are enough facts and figures in this book to keep even the most obsessive anorak fascinated for hours.这本书内容翔实,数据丰富,就连那些最热衷于钻牛角尖的读者也会沉迷其中,数小时不能释手。I cannot come to a decision about it now or even give any indication of my own views.现在我无法对此作出决定,甚至就连自己是什么观点也不能作任何暗示。Her own supporters see her as an albatross who could lose them the election.就连支持她的人都把她看成是一个大包袱,认为她会使他们输掉这次选举。Even her own party considered her shrewish and nagging, and cold-shouldered her in the corridors.就连她自己团队里的人都认为她泼妇似的,又爱唠叨,在走廊里看见她也不爱搭理她。Even the prices of small bachelor flats are unbelievable.就连小型单身公寓的价格都令人咋舌。She saw his quick frown and hastened to explain.她看到他立即皱起眉头,就连忙解释起来。Even this fairly complex analysis only begins to scratch the surface.就连这一比较复杂的分析也是刚刚触及皮毛而已。He is incapable of letting the slightest affront to his pride go unrevenged.就连对他自尊心的极轻微冒犯,他都不能不加以报复。The president has a reputation for keeping key decisions from even his closest aides.人所共知,总统的一些重要决定就连他最亲密的助手都不知道。We were all on time - even Chris and he's usually late for everything.我们都准时到达——就连平时做事一向拖拖拉拉的克里斯都没迟到。Not even Gary, he said, was that stupid.他说,就连加里也没有那么蠢。Even the Assistant Secretary of State had to admit that previous policy did not, in his words, produce results.就连助理国务卿也不得不承认之前的政策并没有,用他的话说,收到成效。It is difficult to get even basic foods such as sugar and bread.就连糖和面包等最基本的食品都很难弄到手。Amalie was dressed completely in black, right down to black lipstick and a black earring.阿马莉一身黑色打扮,就连口红和耳坠也是黑色的。At times even the most talented athletes lose their motivation.有时就连最有天赋的运动员也会失去动力。Even when he moved he did so without poise.就连走起路来也姿势难看。Hassan is the neatest child I've ever met - even his shoes are clean!哈桑是我见过的最爱整洁的孩子——就连他的鞋子都很干净!The team has been on a roll since midseason.从赛季中期开始,这个队就连交好运,赢了多场比赛。The bank not only refused to refund the money but, to add insult to injury, charged me for the letter telling me so!银行不但拒绝退钱给我,还要在伤口上撒一把盐,就连通知我的这封信也要向我收费!In rehearsal, everything went smoothly, even the difficult fight scenes.排演的时候一切都很顺利,就连打架这样难演的场面也没有问题。I was just admiring the detail in the doll's house - even the tins of food have labels on them.我只是感叹娃娃屋顶制作之精致——就连食品罐头上都还贴着标签呢。After the squalid conditions of the refugee camps even this place seems preferable.在难民营的肮脏环境下生活过后,就连这个地方似乎也不算太差了。Letters have come from prisoners, declaring that they would draw the line at hitting an old lady.已经有囚犯写信来,宣称就连他们也绝对不会殴打老太太。Their timetables were so haywire they seldom had time to talk for any length of time.他们的作息时间实在太乱,就连谈一会儿话的时间都难得有。She couldn't know what time he'd go, or even for certain that he'd go at all.她不知道他何时走,就连他到底走不走都说不准。




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