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词汇 就范
例句 A word from his father was enough to settle him.他父亲的一句话足以使他就范The manager had us over a barrel – either we work on a Saturday or we lose our jobs.经理迫使我们就范,要么星期六上班,要么丢掉工作。They wielded it as a way to intimidate protesters and subdue them.他们以它为手段逼迫抗议者们就范The few party rebels were soon brought into line.那几个叛党分子不久便就范了。It's still not clear how the president will use his power to bring the republics to heel.总统将如何行使自己的权力使共和党人就范仍不太清楚。Hitler thought that by the ceaseless bombings over England, he would bring the English to terms, but he was mistaken.希特勒想用连续不断的轰炸使英国人就范,但他打错主意了。The company is believed to have struck a hard bargain.人们相信该公司在谈判过程中狠狠地迫对方就范了。He would not let neighbours shame him into silence.邻居们试图想让他自感羞愧而从此闭口,他是不会乖乖就范的。He proposed to annihilate the rebels by starving them out.他提议用饥饿击垮反叛者,迫使他们就范




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