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词汇 少量
例句 Stir-fry the vegetables in a small amount of oil.把蔬菜放在少量的油里翻炒。A small deposit will guarantee any dress.只要付少量定金就能保证购到任何款式的服装。A small number of additional jobs can make a crucial difference to economic conditions.少量的外快工作对经济状况的改变能起到关键作用。We have a heavy/light caseload today.我们今天有大量/少量案子要办。We have a small number of rare books which are shut away.我们有少量珍藏起来的珍本书。They provided only a small amount of information.他们只提供了少量信息。A small amount of the drug is unlikely to have any harmful effects.这种药服用少量的话不会有害。Some theatres receive a small amount of funding from the state.一些剧院从政府那里获得少量的资金扶持。Grace was asleep, lightly sedated.格雷丝服用了少量的镇静剂后睡着了。A little controversy will be good for business.少量的争论对经营会有好处。Dilute the paint with a little oil.少量油把颜料稀释一下。Squeeze a small amount onto the palm of your hand and spread the gel evenly through your hair.少量的发胶在手掌上,然后均匀地涂在头发上。This is a practical course, with only a minimal amount of theory.这是实践课程,只有少量理论。Add a couple dashes of wine or lemon juice.少量葡萄酒或柠檬汁。We have a small stock in the way of hats.本店有少量帽子存货。 Even a small amount of rain can leach the toxic material from the soil.即使少量的雨水也能够将土壤里的有毒物质过滤掉。She needed a jolt of caffeine to start her day.她需要以少量咖啡因饮料开始一天的工作。Coordinate Tracking is available for scatter and regression plots to quickly locate individual data points.同等的跟踪适用于少量和回归密谋迅速找到个别的取值点。Keep a small amount of icing back for the other cake.少量糖霜给其他蛋糕用。I took a few traveller's cheques and bits of odd currency.我带了几张旅行支票和少量零钱。There may be a light deposit, but the wine is quite clear.虽然可能会有少量的沉淀物,但这个酒还是澄清透明的。Fluorine is present in small amounts on Mars.火星上有少量的氟。Advertising sales increased marginally.广告销售量有了少量增长。Blend a little milk with the custard powder to form a paste.少量牛奶,将蛋奶调味粉搅拌成糊。We can arrange this for a small charge.我们能够安排好此事,只收取少量费用。Wrap presents with small amounts of sticky tape.请用少量的透明胶带来包装礼品。The council voted to give the new project a beggarly amount of money.委员会投票拨给这个新项目少量的资金。Health experts are now preaching that even a little exercise is far better than none at all.现在健康专家都在宣扬,即使是少量的运动也远比根本不运动好得多。The original plan was to encase a small amount of a radioactive substance in a protective steel container.原先计划是要将少量的放射性物质封存在一个钢质防护罩中。Blend the cornflour to a smooth paste with a little cold water.加入少量的凉水,将玉米粉搅拌成均匀的糊状。We have only a small reserve of coal.我们只有少量的煤炭储备。At first, give the baby tiny portions of any bland food that has been sieved or pureed.先给婴儿吃少量被滤过或做成泥的淡味食物。We saw the bit of metal and had a bit of a poke about.我们发现了少量金属,然后就四处查找了一番。They'll quite likely ask you to pay a small deposit.他们很有可能让你付少量定金。We had to subsist on bread and water.我们不得不靠少量的面包和水维持生存。We charge a small supplement for this service.我们这项服务要收取少量附加费。The benefits of smaller wage increases for workers have been dissipated by the Government.给工人少量加薪用的补助金被政府浪费掉了。They carry a large/small stock of computer software.他们有大量/少量的计算机软件库存。Season with salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper.用盐和少量辣椒粉调味。Place dots of butter on top and bake for one hour.在上面放少量黄油,烘烤一小时。




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