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词汇 少数人
例句 A handful of people die each year from mistakenly eating poisonous fungi.每年都有少数人因误食有毒真菌而送命。A government should serve the many, not the few.政府应该为多数人,而不是少数人服务。A strict diet is appropriate for only a few.严格的食谱仅对少数人适用。A few have assimilated easily into the system they once rebelled against.少数人很容易地被他们曾反抗过的制度同化了。Most people now accept this theory, but there are a few sceptics.现在多数人接受了这一理论,但还有少数人怀疑。Only a chosen few are accepted to a prestigious school like this.只有精选的少数人能为这样的名校所接纳。Creativity was once considered the province of a chosen few.创造力一度被认为是少数人独有的才华。It would be a great tragedy if outdoor education became lost to all but a minority of pupils.如果户外教育不再面向所有学生,只针对少数人,那将是个极大的悲剧。This government depends on the wishes of a few who are remote from the people.这个政府按照远离民众的少数人的意愿行事。Opera was once the plaything of a privileged few in America.在美国,歌剧曾是少数人特有的享乐。We invited 130 people, but only a handful came.我们邀请了一百三十人,但只来了少数人A few remain highly uncomfortable with the idea of same-sex marriage.少数人仍然对同性婚姻非常抵触。Only a small number of people eventually turned up.最后只来了少数人This has also led to a concentration of wealth in a small number of hands.这也导致了财富集中在少数人手里。A few holdouts still use typewriters, but nearly everybody uses computers now.虽然少数人还是坚持用打字机,但现在几乎所有人都用电脑了。This policy will isolate minority groups and prevent integration.这一政策将孤立少数人群社区,阻碍融合。The majority were in favour of the plan, but a few demurred.大多数人赞成这一计划,但有少数人反对。A few people have spoken in favour of the new car park, but I'm sure the silent majority are against it.少数人说同意建造新停车场,但我敢肯定保持沉默的大多数人是反对的。This band, once only known to a few, is now finally poised to take the world by storm.这个曾经只为少数人所知的乐队现在终于要让全世界为之倾倒了。This really only benefits the few at the top of the social pyramid.这实际上只能使那些处于社会金字塔顶端的少数人受益。The many are kept in ignorance while the few prosper.多数人被蒙在鼓里,而少数人却发了大财。Majorities would ride roughshod over minority rights.多数人会无视少数人的权利。This war is another example of the few sacrificing their lives for the many.这场战争又是一个少数人为多数人牺牲的例子。Learning should no longer be an elitist pastime for the chosen few.学习不应再是少数人的高级消遣。




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