例句 |
The baby monkey clings to its mother's back until it can climb by itself.小猴子紧紧抓在母亲的背上,直到自己能够独立攀爬。Baby monkeys cling to their mothers’ bodies until they are old enough to start climbing by themselves.小猴子紧紧抱住母猴的身体,直到它们长大可以独立爬树为止。The monkeys in our zoo are popping all the time.我们动物园里的猴子一直在生小猴子。Baby monkeys cling to their mother's backs.小猴子们会伏在母猴的背上。A baby monkey clasps its mother's fur tightly.小猴子紧紧地抓住母猴的毛。 |