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The movie follows their lives on a small Arkansas farm.电影围绕他们在阿肯色一座小农场的生活展开故事。Many small farms are going out of business.许多小农场纷纷倒闭。Small struggling farms naturally jib at paying large veterinary bills.挣扎中的小农场自然不愿意支付大笔的兽医账单。Most of these small farms are ill-equipped.这些小农场大多数都欠缺设备和技术。Further up the hill was a small farm.再往山上去就是一个小农场。The small farm faced absorption into a big one.这家小农场行将被并入一个大农场。He grew up on a dirt farm in upstate New York.他在纽约北部的小农场长大。 |