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词汇 way up
例句 Most store managers worked their way up through the ranks.大多数商店经理都是由普通店员干起,一步步升上来的。He had worked his way up to head of department.他一步一步努力,终于做到部门主管。Make sure the box is the right way up before you open it.先确定箱子正面朝上,然后才能打开。The painting was hung the wrong way up.这幅画挂颠倒了。He trailed us as we worked our way up the mountain.我们爬山时,他慢吞吞地跟在后面。The bird flapped its way up the stream.那鸟鼓翅向河上游飞去。She worked her way up through the corporate hierarchy to become president.她在公司一步一步升到了总裁的位置。The boy splashed his way up the stream.那男孩蹚著水往河流上游走去。He started as the low man on the totem pole and worked his way up to be manager.他从基层做起,辛勤的工作终于使他升任经理。It took them all day to work their way up the leftward slope.他们花了一整天才爬上左边的山坡。It was dusk as we wound our way up the hill.我们逶迤盘山时天色昏暗。They're a bunch of wannabe musicians who don't know which way up to hold their guitars.他们是一群梦想成为音乐家但却连吉他怎么拿都不知道的人。She rug-ranked her way up out of the secretarial classifications.她按地毯等级工资制步步晋升,最后不再当秘书了。Start at the bottom and try to work your way up.从底层干起,然后努力一步步升上去。Manley gradually worked her way up, and within ten years became chairwoman of the board.曼利逐步升职,十年之内就成了董事长。She buttoned her jacket all the way up and pulled the collar tight around her neck.她把外套上的纽扣由下往上全扣好,并把衣领拉紧围住脖子。No one would come all this way up country unless they had to.除非迫不得已,否则没有人会愿意跑这么老远来到内地。The car stalled when I was half way up the hill.我的车开到半山腰时抛锚了。Some ferns twine their way up tree trunks.有些蕨类植物攀附着树干向上长。Everyone knows people who have wormed their way up on old school connections.每个人都认识一些利用老同学关系向上爬的人。She worked her way up from the lowest rung on the economic ladder.她从财富阶梯的最底层一步步往上攀爬。He wriggled his way up the plumbing.他沿水落管扭动著向上爬去。The design calls for the columns to be carried all the way up to the top of the building.设计要求柱子要一直通到楼顶。He fought his way up to the counter.他奋力挤到柜台前。We approached Assisi via the dusty road that twists its way up Monte Subasio.我们沿着蜿蜒通向苏巴西奥山上的一条尘土路走近了阿西西。Some did manage to claw their way up iron ladders to the safety of the upper deck.的确有人设法抓住铁梯爬上了顶层甲板,脱离了危险。The flag was held the wrong way up by some spectators.一些观众把旗子拿倒了。Unlike other trees, it doesn't taper very much. It stays fat all the way up.和别的树不同,它不是越往上越细,而是上下一样粗。Why don't you call in on your way up north?往北去的时候何不顺路过来呢?My car stalled half way up the hill.我的车子开到半山腰抛锚了。He worked his way up from errand boy to regional sales manager.他从一个跟班儿的一路打拼,成了区域销售经理。The Christmas tree went all the way up to the ceiling.这棵圣诞树一直够到了天花板。He started two years ago as an admin assistant, and worked his way up to the top.他两年前从一个行政助理做起,渐渐地升到了高层。He made his way up the hill with heavy steps.他迈着沉重的步伐缓慢向山上走去。While she was working her way up from dishwasher to chef, she was studying at night school to improve her grades.她一边工作一边读夜校进修,慢慢地从一个洗碗工做到了厨师长的职位。Peter and Ellie made their way up the gravelled path towards the church door.彼得和埃莉沿着石子路走向教堂门口。He worked his way up from the bottom.他是从底层干起,一步步升上去的。He started at the bottom and worked his way up through the company.他从公司最底层干起,一步步升至高层。Working your way up through a company is a difficult pathway.在公司里一步步努力往上升是条艰辛的道路。I started off as an apprentice and worked my way up.我从学徒开始干起,逐步上升。




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