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词汇 advertising campaign
例句 Several leading creatives are involved in the advertising campaign.好几位顶级创意人员参与策划了这次广告宣传运动。The editor pointed out that he had nothing to do with the discredited advertising campaign.那位编辑指出他与那项声名狼藉的广告宣传活动无关。The police force introduced a new advertising campaign, in an attempt to bring more recruits in from ethnic minorities.警察部门推行了一个新的广告宣传活动,试图从少数民族中招收新成员。He organized a big advertising campaign.他组织了一场大型广告活动。The advertising campaign was a total failure.这场广告宣传活动完全失败了。The company has spent over £50 million on its latest advertising campaign.这家公司在最近的广告宣传活动中花费了五千多万英镑。The company started a big new advertising campaign, and business really improved after that.这家公司开始了一场大规模的新广告宣传活动,从那以后,生意真的好起来了。The condom advertising campaign is going to be very straightforward and as matter-of-fact as possible.避孕套宣传活动将以直截了当的、尽可能就事论事的方式进行。The new advertising campaign is an attempt to allay the public's concerns/worries about the safety of the company's products.新的广告攻势旨在减轻公众对该公司产品安全性的担忧。All the necessary groundwork for the advertising campaign has already been done.广告宣传所有必需的前期工作都已完成。The advertising campaign is already in full swing.广告宣传活动已进行得如火如荼。The advertising campaign was only partially successful.广告活动只获得部分成功。The advertising campaign has improved sales.此次广告宣传活动提高了销量。The advertising campaign is trying to persuade people to join the armed forces这次广告宣传力劝大家参军。Their new advertising campaign has been very successful.他们新的广告活动非常成功。The advertising campaign generated massive sales.广告宣传创造了巨大的销量。I feel that this advertising campaign is on completely the wrong tack.我觉得这广告宣传活动的方向完全不对。The advertising campaign proved very profitable.事实证明,这次广告宣传活动很有效。The advertising campaign generated a lot of interest in our work.广告活动使很多人对我们的工作产生了兴趣。The company got into a lot of trouble over its last advertising campaign.该公司在上次的广告宣传活动中惹了许多麻烦。A focus group gave its responses to the proposed advertising campaign.一个焦点小组对提议中的广告活动作出了回应。Coca Cola's prize-winning advertising campaign has put all others in the shade.可口可乐公司那获奖的广告宣传活动使其他公司的宣传活动黯然失色。The ultimate cause of what's happened has been the advertising campaign.事情发生的根本原因在于那场广告宣传活动。The advertising campaign is aimed principally at women.广告大战主要瞄准了女性。The idea for the new advertising campaign came to me while I was visiting Thailand.我在泰国时忽然想到开展新的广告宣传活动的主意。They are hoping to boost their business with a major new advertising campaign.他们希望通过一次重大的新广告宣传活动来刺激生意。The Government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.政府发起了一场广告宣传活动,鼓励大家去投票。The company has hired a couple of young hotshots to revamp its advertising campaign.这家公司雇了几名年轻才俊来重整广告计划。Many felt that the money spent amounted to overkill, and that a cheaper, less glossy advertising campaign would have been just as effective.许多人觉得这么高的花费太过分了,花钱少一点的、不那么浮华的广告宣传会同样有效。The new advertising campaign rams home the dangers of drink-driving.新一轮的宣传活动把酒后驾车的危害讲得很透彻。The company has launched an advertising campaign in the hope of attracting new customers.为了吸引新顾客,这家公司发起了一项广告宣传活动。The government will phase out an advertising campaign.政府将分阶段开展广告宣传。In any advertising campaign, you must accent the areas where your product is better than the competition.在广告宣传中,必须突出你的产品优于竞争对手的方面。The bank launched an advertising campaign to lure back its traditional customers.银行发动了一场广告宣传活动,目的是要把传统客户吸引回去。I think we're getting off the track here - we're supposed to be discussing our advertising campaign.我觉得我们离题了——我们应该讨论的是广告宣传活动。The advertising campaign will try to hammer home the message that excessive drinking is a health risk.这次广告宣传将使大家清楚地了解过量饮酒有害健康。The Government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.政府已发起一系列广告宣传攻势鼓励民众参加选举。The company launched a huge advertising campaign.该公司发起了一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动。The ultimate cause of what's happened seems to have been the advertising campaign.出事的最根本原因似乎在于那场广告宣传活动。We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.我们发动了一场声势浩大的广告宣传攻势,旨在推销新型牙膏。




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