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词汇 affords
例句 This affords us the opportunity to ask questions about how the systems might change.这给我们提供了就系统可能如何改变进行提问的机会。The open-air terrace affords unparalleled views of the Big Apple.从露天平台上可以看到纽约无与伦比的景色。His function as a mayor affords him the leverage to get things done.他的市长身份使他有能力做成一些事情。His expression affords no insight into his feelings.从他的表情上一点也看不出他的内心感情。A helmet affords the rider some degree of protection against injury.头盔能在一定程度上减少骑车人受伤的可能性。The building affords an extensive prospect of the sea.从那座建筑可以看到开阔的海景。I can't imagine how she affords to send her kids to that school - it must cost a bomb.我真想象不出她如何供得起孩子上那所学校—那肯定要不少钱。It affords a striking commentary on the limitations of our present knowledge.这一点明显地揭示了我们目前知识的局限性。Dancing affords us pleasure.跳舞给我们带来快乐。At little expense, you can enter the church and take a lift up to the belfry, which affords wonderful views over the town.花很少的钱便可以进入教堂,搭乘电梯上到钟楼,观赏整个小镇的绝妙景致。His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.他的市长身份使他有能力通过出席委员会会议来达成一些事情。




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