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词汇 寡妇
例句 He had some mercenary scheme to marry a wealthy widow.他有个贪财的计划,想娶个有钱的寡妇Mrs Jackson, a widow who kept herself to herself, lived in the flat above.杰克逊太太是个离群索居的寡妇,她住在上面的套房里。The widow was in distress.那个寡妇十分贫困。The widow reminisced about her dead husband.寡妇怀念死去的丈夫。The mother was widowed and had swanned off.这位母亲成了寡妇,已经悠然闲逛去了。His second wife, Hilary, had been widowed, then exiled from South Africa.他的第二任妻子希拉丽已经成了寡妇,后来又被驱逐出南非。Widows do not need to be pitied but they do need our support.寡妇不需要同情,但她们的确需要我们的支持。It really connected when she talked about how hard it was being a widow.她说到一个寡妇的生活是多么艰难时,话语里着实意味深长。A widow lives in the house just across the road.一个寡妇就住在马路对面的房子里。By a cunning trick he became heir of the rich widow.他策划了一个狡猾的计谋,成了这有钱寡妇的继承人。The fund was established to help needy widows whose husbands had died in the war.这项基金建立的目的是帮助那些丈夫在战争中阵亡的贫困寡妇The widow mourned for her dead mate.寡妇为她已故的丈夫服丧。The widow broke down in tears, but her daughters maintained their composure.寡妇失声痛哭,但她的女儿都保持着冷静。Rich widows became the great game of fortune hunters.有钱的寡妇们成了财产追逐者的主要目标。The widow lamented the death of her only child.寡妇为她独生子的死而悲痛。There once was/lived a poor widow who had a beautiful daughter.从前有一个穷寡妇,她有个漂亮的女儿。She's a widow.她是个寡妇Widows were forbidden to remarry and were stoned to death if they did.寡妇被禁止再婚,如若再婚会被乱石砸死。Mr Jarvis died yesterday, leaving a widow and four children.贾维斯先生昨天去世了,留下了一个寡妇和四个孩子。He'd visited the Fatherless and Widows in their affliction, the way the Gospels instructed.他已经遵照福音书的指示,探访了悲痛的失怙孩童和寡妇He figured out that you're lonely, like most widows, and he turned on the charm.他看出你和大多数寡妇一样很寂寞,所以就拿出他的魅力来了。She was widowed by the war. 战争使她变成了寡妇The poor widow was stuck with her husband's debts.那可怜的寡妇承担死去丈夫的债务。Recently bereaved widows often feel they are being shunned by people who don't know what to say to them.刚刚丧夫的寡妇常感觉遭人回避,因为那些人不知道该说些什么。The court decided the widow could keep the property.法院判决那寡妇可以保有这份财产。She was a widow with three grown-up children.她是个寡妇,有三个成年子女。The widow still treasured the blanket from her husband.寡妇还珍藏着她丈夫留下的毯子。The widow returned to the land of the living by accepting an invitation to our party.那位寡妇接受我们请她参加晚会的邀请,从而恢复了同外界的接触。Everyone joked that she was a golf widow. 大家都笑她是高尔夫球寡妇Widows seem to experience more distress than do widowers.寡妇似乎比鳏夫更痛苦。The widow lodged college students in her home.寡妇出租家里的房间给大学生居住。She was widowed last year.去年她成了寡妇




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