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词汇 宾馆
例句 They did us proud at the hotel.他们在宾馆里款待了我们。The hotel is ideally located for visiting the city and the surrounding area.要想游览城市和周边地区,这家宾馆所在的地点很理想。The hotel has an air of faded gentility.这家宾馆有一种没落贵族的氛围。The hotel enjoys a magnificent view of the harbour.从这家宾馆可以看到秀丽的港湾景色。The hotel plans to beef up its marketing effort.宾馆打算加强其营销工作。This Dubai hotel can call on a bevy of highly trained butlers to provide an around-the-clock service.迪拜的这家宾馆可以请来一大批训练有素的管家提供全天候服务。Hotels routinely oversell their rooms, expecting a small percentage of no-shows.预计有少部分预订但不入住的情况,宾馆一般都会超售客房。A hotel was built slap in the middle of the beach.在海滩的正中央建造了一个宾馆Their food is the general run of hotel cooking.他们的饭菜是一般宾馆饭菜的水平。Why do we pay to overheat pubs and hotels?为什么我们要为酒吧和宾馆不必要的暖气开支买单呢?She was driven from Heathrow by limo to the hotel.一辆豪华高级轿车将她从希思罗机场接到了宾馆The equipment manager collected the sweaty uniforms and took them down to the hotel laundry.设备经理把汗湿的制服收起来,送到宾馆的洗衣房里去。He chauffeured his client to the hotel.他开车把客户送到了宾馆This hotel has a large capacity.这家宾馆可接待大量旅客。Revelling in her freedom, she took a hotel room and stayed for several days.陶醉在自由中的她在宾馆开了一间房,住了几天。We bought a cheap package tour to Spain and stayed in a big hotel by the sea.我们参加了一个便宜的包价旅游团去了西班牙,住在一个靠海的大型宾馆里。The hotel stands on the water's edge just outside Henley.宾馆就座落在亨利港外面的港湾边。The hotel restaurant is open to non-residents.这家宾馆的餐厅对非住客开放。When the hotel is full, dinner is served in two sittings.宾馆客满时,用餐分两批进行。We had a drink on the hotel balcony.我们在宾馆的阳台上喝酒。By a strange coincidence, we were both staying at the same hotel.出于奇特的巧合,我们俩都住在同一家宾馆Don't waste your money on a hotel room.不要把钱浪费在宾馆房间上。From the hotel window, they could see lights winking on the bay.透过宾馆的窗子,他们能看见海湾一带灯光摇曳。The capital offers the island's best choice of sophisticated hotels, restaurants, shopping and entertainment.首府拥有该岛最高档的宾馆、餐厅以及购物和娱乐场所。Our hotel room overlooked a pretty little fishing harbour.我们从宾馆的房间可以俯瞰一个美丽的小渔港。They've just opened a new hotel in the Stoke area.他们刚在斯托克地区开了一家新宾馆The hotel we stayed in was the pits!我们住的宾馆实在太糟糕了!She checked her mail before leaving the hotel.在离开宾馆前,她查看了邮件。Our hotel room had a beautiful view of the ocean.在我们宾馆的房间可看到美丽的海景。The taxi jerked to a stop outside a large hotel.出租车在一家大宾馆外猛地停下。The explosion ripped through the hotel.爆炸将宾馆炸穿了。We'll meet you at the airport and take you to your hotel.我们会到机场来接你,然后送你去宾馆Protesters carrying signs ringed the hotel.抗议者举着标语包围了宾馆There is no common European standard for the classification of hotels.欧洲没有通用的标准给宾馆分级。Two men in suits came out of the hotel.两名穿西装的男子走出了宾馆He had left a huge bunch of flowers in her hotel room.他在她宾馆房间里留下了一大束花。I'll drive you back to your hotel later. It's no bother.我一会儿会开车把你送回宾馆,举手之劳。Our hotel register shows no booking for you.我们宾馆的登记里没有您的预订记录。Can you ask the majordomo in the hotel to get tickets for the tennis match?你能不能让宾馆管事的去买网球赛的票?The hotel will send you written confirmation of your booking.宾馆会寄函对你预订的房间进行书面确认。




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