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词汇 家长
例句 The school's constitution puts parents on an equal footing with staff.这所学校的章程将家长与教职工置于平等地位。The program is intended to make life easier for working parents.这个方案旨在使双职工家长的生活更轻松。We need to persuade parents that almost all vaccines are harmless.我们要说服家长,几乎所有的疫苗都是无害的。The principal entered the hornet's nest of angry parents.校长被愤怒的家长团团围住。The prospect of teachers passing out prophylactics to their pupils has infuriated some parents.想到老师将分发避孕套给学生使一些家长愤慨不已。The new rules will not affect schools that parents consider satisfactory.这些新规定不会影响家长认为满意的学校。Parents are demanding greater transparency in the selection process.家长们要求增加选拔过程的透明度。The teacher was in conference with parents after school.放学后教师和家长进行了商谈。The views and concerns of parents are routinely ignored.家长的意见和担心被习惯性地忽视了。The daycare hours are keyed to the needs of working parents.日间托儿服务的时间根据在职家长的需要而定。The fact that so many parents refuse to send their children to the school speaks for itself.这么多家长不愿意把孩子送到那所学校上学,原因不言而喻。Our grandfather was the family's patriarch.我们的祖父是这个家的家长This is obviously a useful invention, but speaking as a parent, I have my doubts.这显然是一项很有用的发明,但作为家长来说,我有自己的疑虑。In the article, the group sets out the role of parents in a child's education.在文章中,这些人详述了家长在孩子的教育中所起的作用。Parents are often too busy, tired, or preoccupied to give their children the time and attention they need.家长们往往太忙太累,或者烦心的事儿太多,不能给予孩子应有的时间和关心。Some parents don't think the military should be recruiting from high schools.一些家长认为军队不应在高中生中征兵。The school refused to take any of the parents' criticisms on board.学校拒绝接受家长提出的任何批评。Three parents went on the school ski trip as chaperones.三名家长作为监护人参加了学校的滑雪旅行。The booklet aims to help parents assess recent educational changes.这本小册子旨在帮助家长评价近期的教育改革。The computer chip allows parents to block programs containing violence, sex, or bad language.这种电脑芯片使家长能够拦截含有暴力、性或脏话内容的程序。Parents and teachers need to agree on goals for students, and hold them to it.家长和老师需要在学生的目标上达成一致,并要求他们做到。The therapist was clearly aligned with the parents during this exploratory session.在这次探查性的治疗过程中,治疗师显然对家长表示支持。Trying to make it as a single parent raising your children would be the main concern to me these days.我现在最关心的事情就是作为一个单亲家长,努力把自己的孩子抚养长大。He said parents were cramming their children from an early age.他说家长们从小就让孩子死记硬背。Parents made a complaint to the principal about bullying in the school.家长向校长投诉学校里恃强凌弱的现象。The safety of their children is a constant preoccupation of most parents.儿女们的安全始终是大多数家长的牵挂。One of the parents eventually dragged the screaming toddler out of the store.最终,一位家长把那个尖叫的小孩拖出了商店。Parents are looking for reassurance about their children's safety.家长们在寻找方法保证他们孩子的安全。There's a fuzzy line between parents' and schools' responsibilities.家长的责任与学校的责任之间界线是模糊的。When she received her prize I think I was the proudest parent on the face of the earth.她领奖时,我感到我是世界上最自豪的家长The PTO is raising money for a new playground.家长教师联谊组织在为修建新操场募集资金。The great majority were tutored by parents.绝大多数孩子由家长辅导。Although students receive government grants, parents are still expected to pay towards living costs.虽然学生可以领到政府的助学金,家长还是应该承担一部分生活费用。Parents gave the school valuable support in its case for getting its facilities improved.家长为学校改进设施提供了宝贵的支持。The general consensus is that the joys of having a baby more than compensate for the stresses that every parent experiences.人们普遍认为,拥有孩子带给每个家长的快乐远远超过了他们经受的压力。He spent the whole day fielding calls from concerned parents.他一整天都在处理焦虑的家长们打来的电话。The report will do much to reassure parents of children at the school.这一报告会给该校学生的家长以莫大安慰。Parents should join in these discussions.家长们应该参与这些讨论。The parents were keenly aware of the teacher's importance.家长们深知教师的重要性。A school has to be able to make rules about students’ dress, even at the risk of upsetting parents.学校要对学生的衣着作出规定,哪怕会得罪家长




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