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词汇 家族
例句 She had developed strong loyalties to the Manet family.她对马内家族忠心耿耿。He wanted an heir to carry on the family name.他想要一个继承人使家族姓氏得以延续。He comes from a branch of our family that settled in Korea.他出身于我们这个家族移居朝鲜的一个旁支。My family comes from Cyprus.我的家族来自塞浦路斯。There she could sing to her heart's content without risk to her family's reputation.在那里她可以尽情歌唱,不必担心会影响家族的声誉。The family sagely married into American money many years ago.家族在很多年前就作出了与美国财团联姻的明智之举。The family seems to have a knack for success in business.这个家族好像掌握着做生意的成功秘诀。Years later, family history repeated itself with Eve's daughters.多年以后,家族历史又在伊夫的女儿们身上重演。The dead tycoon's sons will remain in their plush offices overseeing the death throes of the family empire.这位已故大亨的儿子们将坐在豪华的办公室里,目睹这个家族帝国崩溃前的痛苦挣扎。There are several doctors on his mother's side of the family.他母亲家族那边出了好几名医生。The family business has now been taken over by Anderson's eldest son.家族生意已经由安德森的大儿子接管。The girl's father claimed the portrait revealing his daughter's face was an insult to Islam.女孩的父亲称这幅画展示了他女儿的面孔,这对其家族是一个侮辱。The exhibition was originally conceived as a tribute to Scott's family.这个展览会最初是为了纪念斯科特家族而设计的。He took control of the family farm.他掌管了家族农场。The book entwines the personal and the political to chart the history of four generations of the family.那本书将个人和政治联系在一起,描述该家族四代人的历史。He gambled away his family estate on a single throw of the dice.他一把就输掉了家族地产。I'm a little hazy about my family history.我不大清楚我们家族的历史。Being in the family business meant I could work flexitime.从事家族生意意味着我可以按弹性时间工作。The Foster-Smith branch of the family emigrated to Australia.家族的福斯特–史密斯分支移民到了澳大利亚。She is the repository of her family's history.她对自己家族的历史了若指掌。The family claims an august lineage.这个家族有贵族血统。The dead tycoon's sons will remain in their plush offices overseeing the death throes of the family empire.大亨逝世后,他的儿子们仍然守在奢华的办公室里,俯瞰着家族帝国的最后挣扎。I'm sick of reading headlines involving the Kennedys in sex scandals.关于肯尼迪家族性丑闻的新闻标题都让我读得腻烦了。He was now satisfied that the family honour had been restored.家族的声誉得到恢复,他现在心满意足了。She had strong loyalties to the Manet family.她对马内家族忠心耿耿。The family owns a booming construction business.这个家族拥有一家生意兴隆的建筑企业。Acting runs in their blood.演戏是他们家族遗传的天分。There has been a bitter vendetta between the two families for many years.这两个家族之间多年来存在着刻骨的世仇。She did not want the property to go to anyone outside the family.她不想财产落到家族以外的任何人手里。Trouble seems to be brooding over this family.这个家族似乎逃不脱麻烦了。His family goes back to the 18th century.他的家族可追溯至十八世纪。Her family is English to the core.她的家族是十分典型的英裔。Her family had farmed that land since time immemorial.她的家族从很早开始便在那块土地上耕耘了。The misunderstanding had caused a breach between the families.误解造成了家族间的裂痕。Did you know that she's a Kennedy?你知道她是肯尼迪家族的一员吗?Blood feuds added to the local crime rate.家族血仇增加了当地的犯罪率。His family's name gives him a lot of pull in this town.家族的名望使他在镇上具有很大的影响力。He died leaving no children to carry on the family name.他死后没有留下孩子继承家族姓氏。That stability was embodied in the Gandhi family.甘地家族体现了那种坚定的品质。Their family played a leading part in the settlement of the town.他们家族在这个镇的初建时期起了很重要的作用。




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