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词汇 实在太
例句 I should have had the support of my team, but they were really gutless.我本应该得到我的团队的支持,但他们实在太没胆量了。I had to look twice to tell which was Martinez; they all looked alike.我得仔细看一下才能认出哪个是马丁内斯,他们长得实在太像了。Feelings of resentment can all too easily turn to anger.怨恨实在太容易转化成愤怒了。I'm getting really hacked off about the whole thing.这整件事情实在太让我生气了。It's hard to know if it's corruption or just plain stupidity by the authorities.很难知道当局是腐败,还是实在太愚蠢。He knew it was wrong to steal, but the money just lying there was too great a temptation.他知道偷盗是不对的,但钱就摆在那儿,对他的诱惑实在太大了。Too many temples have been built to trumped-up idols.为人造偶像建立的庙宇实在太多了。I was too much of a wimp to confront him.实在太懦弱了,不敢和他对抗。We laughed so hard. It was just too much.我们捧腹大笑,这实在太有趣了。Can you iron my shirt? It's really creased.你能熨一下衬衫吗?实在太皱巴巴的了。Turn the TV down - it's way too loud!把电视机的声音关小一点——实在太吵了!Their cakes are out of this world.他们的蛋糕实在太好吃了。Their housing costs were so enormous that it really eroded away their food bills.他们的住房花费实在太大了,压缩了他们在食物上的开销。I knew that what I had seen was a hallucination, but it was so real and frightening.我知道自己所看到的是幻觉,可那实在太逼真、太恐怖了。The two sisters are so similar that it's almost impossible to tell one from the other.这两姐妹长得实在太像了,简直不太可能把她们区分开。The public transport system was absolutely hopeless.公共交通系统实在太糟了。It's a real squash with six people in the car.车里坐六个人实在太挤了。That lecture really tested my powers of endurance, it was so boring.那个讲座简直是在考验我的忍耐力,实在太枯燥了。We were criminally underpaid for the work we did.我们所做工作的报酬实在太低。Getting six boxes of chocolates for my birthday was really too much of a good thing.我在生日那天收到六盒巧克力,实在太多了。Wilkins’ outburst could not have been more ill-timed.威尔金斯脾气发作得实在太不是时候了。Your desk is really messy.你的桌子实在太乱了。The child was too much of a nuisance.这孩子实在太惹人厌了。I'm having a much-needed rest.实在太累了,正在休息。I managed to get all the books into the shelf, but it was rather a squash.我总算把书全部放进了书架,可实在太挤了。She's such a fascinating lecturer - I was hanging on to her every word.她讲得实在太引人入胜了——她说的每一个字我都听得很仔细。That magician really is something else.那位魔术师实在太厉害了。The food was just plain terrible.这食物实在太难吃了。I was too wimpy to confront him.实在太懦弱了,不敢和他对抗。That play last night was really putrid!昨晚的那出戏实在太糟了!But that's monstrous - he can't be allowed to get away with it!但那实在太骇人听闻了——不能让他逍遥法外!What a conventional, middle-aged attitude he has to life!他对生活的态度实在太保守了,简直像中年人!Well, I don't know what to say. It's absolutely disgraceful!我不知怎么说才好,实在太丢人了!I don't think I could survive another year as a teacher. It's just too stressful.再当一年老师我想我是挺不过去了,压力实在太大。The cake is sinfully delicious.这蛋糕实在太诱人了。Their timetables were so haywire they seldom had time to talk for any length of time.他们的作息时间实在太乱,就连谈一会儿话的时间都难得有。She needs to fire her stylist - that outfit is awful!她应该把造型师解雇了,那件外套实在太难看了。She is so hell-fired inquisitive.实在太喜欢打听别人的事情了。It was really scary.实在太吓人了。The smell of the pie tempted me into having a piece. 馅饼实在太香,我忍不住尝了一块。




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