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词汇 chain
例句 The lower-tech side of the business was seen as a ball and chain.落后的技术成了企业发展的羁绊。She was nervous and edgy, still chain-smoking.她紧张不安,还在一根接一根地抽着烟。A small jewelled cross swung from a gold chain around her neck.一个镶了珠宝的小十字架在她脖子上的金链上晃荡。The Internet's promise to bring more efficiency to the distribution chain is still materializing.通过因特网来提高经销链效率的这一前景还在继续显现出来。The bucket was hauled up by a length of chain.桶是用一根链子拉上来的。Our suppliers are the weakest link in the chain.我们的供货商是链条上最薄弱的环节。The tragic chain of events was triggered off.引起了一连串的悲惨事件。A gold chain swung free around his neck.一条金项链在他脖子上随意地晃荡着。The restaurant chain began in Chicago but now stretches to the West Coast.那家连锁餐厅从芝加哥起家,现在一直开到了西海岸。Every diagnosis of dementia invariably sets off a chain reaction at home.每一例痴呆的诊断总是会在家庭内激起一连串波澜。He is a hypocrite to tell us not to smoke while he himself is a chain-smoker.他好虚伪,自己是个烟鬼,却叫我们别抽烟。The house price chain is gummed up.房屋买卖价格链已经失控。The gates were secured by a heavy chain and a padlock.大门都用沉重的链条和挂锁牢牢锁着。Every animal in the food chain draws nourishment from other animals or plants.食物链中的每一种动物都从其他动物或植物中获取养分。The dog was fastened to a post by a chain.那条狗被链条拴在柱子上。A chain can only be as strong as its weakest link, so we must look at the least committed country to see if the alliance will hold.一条链子的强度取决于它最薄弱的环节。所以必须观察最不坚定的成员国来确定联盟是否牢固。Demand-chain management captures information on consumer behaviour at the point of sale and feeds it up the supply chain.需求环节的管理层会捕捉销售点顾客购物行为的信息,然后把信息再反馈给供应环节。Plankton is at the bottom of the marine food chain.浮游生物处于海洋食物链的最底层。There was a kink in the chain.这条链子上有一个结。The splitting of an atom sets off an explosive chain reaction.原子分裂可造成一触即发的连锁反应。Rhonda came to the defense of her brother by swinging a chain at his attacker.朗达为保护她弟弟,向攻击者挥舞链条。The dogs continued to paw and claw frantically at the chain mesh.那些狗继续用爪子疯狂地抓铁丝网。Some sellers refuse to exchange contracts with buyers who are in a chain.有些卖家拒绝和售屋链里的买家成交。A lot of the old Victorian buildings are being pulled down to make way for chain stores.许多维多利亚时代的旧楼都纷纷被拆了,以腾出地方来建连锁店。Protesters formed a human chain around the ancient tree to prevent it from being cut down.抗议者在古树周围围成一道人墙阻止其被砍伐。Although he chain-smoked cigarettes, his hands were unstained.虽然他一根接一根地抽烟,可是他的手没有被熏黄。This event set off a chain of consequences that eventually led to the man's murder.这个事件引发了一连串后果,最终导致此人遇害。Joan's under a lot of pressure these days - she's been chain-smoking ever since her divorce.琼这些日子压力很大——自从离婚后她就一支接一支地抽烟。He wore a tarnished watch chain across his waistcoat.他的背心上挂着一条已经失去光泽的表链。Students tried to form a human chain around the parliament.学生们试图围绕议会大厦组成一条人链。The revolution set off a chain reaction of revolts in neighbouring states.这场革命引发了邻近州邦一连串的起义。The world's longest mountain chain is the Andes.世界上最长的山脉是安第斯山脉。She wore a gold cross on a chain around her neck.她脖子上戴了项链,上面挂着金十字架。The change of plan set off a chain reaction of confusion.计划的变更引起了一连串的混乱。The war risked setting off a perilous chain reaction that would endanger the whole world.这场战争可能会引发危险的连锁反应,从而威胁到全世界的安全。The bicycle chain needs oiling.自行车链条需要加油了。Harry let the chain saw down on a rope and then came down himself.哈里用绳子把链锯吊下,然后自己再下来。Antibiotics used for treating cattle could get into the food chain.用于治疗牛的疾病的抗生素可能会进入食物链。The enemy's chain could not bring his proud soul under.敌人的镣铐压服不了他的傲骨。The hotel chain recently opened a new hotel in Hong Kong.这家连锁酒店最近在香港开了一家新酒店。




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