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词汇 swot
例句 I was always a bit of a girlie swot at school.我上学的时候几乎就是一个书呆子。The other children poked fun at him, calling him a swot.别的孩子取笑他,叫他书呆子。At university he had a reputation as a swot. 他在读大学时有书呆子之称。You must swot up your English.你必须努力学习英语。Everyone else in the class hated him because they thought he was a real swot.班里每一个人都讨厌他,因为他们认为他只会一味读书。He needs to swot up on French verbs.他需要在法语动词上下功夫。I've got to swot up the French Revolution for tomorrow's test.我得用功温习法国革命史以准备明天的考试。I'll have to swot for my maths exam.我将不得不用功学习准备数学考试。This is really a swot.这工作确实辛苦。




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