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词汇 定位
例句 Tiffany conceptualized herself as a mother, whose primary task was to feed her baby.蒂法尼把自己定位为一位母亲,主要任务是哺育孩子。The problem of locating items in a network is substantial.在网络里定位查找某个条目是个重要问题。Fog made location of the harbor difficult.雾气给港口的定位带来困难。The market must be clearly defined and you must present a clear picture of who will buy your product.对市场上一定要有清晰的定位,你一定要明确清楚谁会买你的产品。The manufacturer usually tries to position the product as the leading, highest-quality, most prestigious offering.制造商往往想把产品定位为尖端、至高品质和最负盛名的产品。We have a flexitime system and crèche facilities and like to think of ourselves as a go-ahead employer.我们公司实行弹性工作时间制,还设有照顾员工子女的日托中心,并将自己定位为一家富于开拓精神的公司。This turret provides highly accurate positioning of cameras.这台镜头转台提供照相机的高精确度定位Each sales team targets its efforts at a particular segment of the general population.每个销售小组都定位于一般大众中的某一群体。The satellite fixes positions by making repeated observations of each star.卫星通过反复观察每颗恒星进行定位The problem with so much television is that it is aimed at the lowest common denominator.如此多电视节目的问题在于其定位于迎合大众的口味。The house is oriented so that it faces west.房子定位成坐东朝西。Most weather satellites are stationed over the Equator or travel over the poles.大部分气象卫星定位于赤道上空或绕地球两极飞行。Research can help a company to position its product in the market.研究能够帮助公司确定其产品在市场上的定位Location of replacement parts is very difficult.定位需替换的零件非常困难。Scientists have succeeded in mapping the human genome.科学家已经成功地定位了人类基因组。Neither of us has found our niche yet. My dream is to be a musician.我们两个人还都没有找到自己的定位。我的梦想是成为一名音乐家。They levered it into position.他们用杠杆把它推至定位The brand is well positioned to succeed in the Spanish market.该品牌定位很准确,会在西班牙市场取得成功。Her lectures are pitched too high for most students to understand.她的讲座定位过高,大多数学生都听不懂。Enter the URL of an image to get a colour palette that matches the image.输入图像的统一资源定位地址,就找到与该图像相匹配的调色板。The movement is liberal and social-democratic in orientation.这一运动的定位是自由和社会民主。She's never really found her niche in life.她从未真正找到自己在生活中的定位Internet addresses are also known as URLs.网址也称为统一资源定位地址。This type of referencing is very quick and powerful.定位类型是非常快速和强大的。They see their role as a loyal opposition.他们给自己的定位是做忠实的在野党。The latest Cadillac is clearly pitched at a younger market.新款凯迪拉克明显是定位于年轻人市场。He did not quite know how to place women in his scheme of things.他不大确定在自己的世界观里,如何对女人进行定位Vehicle license plate locating is the key part of vehicle license recognition.车牌定位是车牌识别中的关键部分。He had found his own little niche in life.他找到了自己的人生定位A transgender woman's death is now being investigated as a hate crime by the police department.警方将一名变性女子被杀案定位为仇恨犯罪来调查。Manufacturers can start in the premium sector and then work down.厂商可以先定位高端客户,然后逐步扩展客户群体。




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