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词汇 基督教
例句 These are excellent results for the Christian Democratic Party.基督教民主党而言,这是非常好的结果。Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with Christian morality.大多数人认为他们是依照基督教的道德体系来处理自己的私生活和公共事务的。Christian Holy Week overlaps with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover.基督教圣周和犹太教逾越节的头几天重叠。He was studying Christian liturgy.他在研究基督教的礼拜仪式。They no longer practise Christianity.他们不再信奉基督教I took him to the Y.我把他带到了基督教青年会旅馆。Luke is mentioned first, jumbling the usual order in Christian texts: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.先提及了《路加福音》,就把基督教里《马太福音》、《马可福音》、《路加福音》、《约翰福音》的正常顺序打乱了。Catholicism has naturalized here in the islands, reverting to its pre-Christian origins.在这些岛屿上,天主教已被接纳,回归到前基督教时的源头。Christian Democratic leaders are meeting to discuss their role in shaping the future of Europe.基督教民主党的领袖们正在会晤讨论他们在影响欧洲未来格局的过程中将要扮演的角色。Orthodox Christianity teaches that Jesus was raised to life three days after he was crucified.正统基督教向人们传授耶稣被钉在十字架上处死三天之后复活。Lewis' ideas were grounded in his Christian faith.刘易斯的观点建立在他的基督教信仰基础之上。Of the three Abrahamic faiths, only Christians can depict an image of God or the prophets.在亚伯拉罕诸教(即基督教、伊斯兰教和犹太教)中,只有基督教塑造了上帝和先知的形象。Cliff Richard is a born-again Christian.克利夫·理查德是一个基督教再生教徒。Jewish, Christian, and Islamic mysticism犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教的神秘主义The Coptic Church is among the oldest churches of Christianity.科普特教会是基督教最古老的教会之一。What are the differences between Muslim and Christian ethics?伊斯兰教和基督教的伦理观有何区别?The teachers started preaching the Christian religion to us at every opportunity.老师们开始利用一切机会给我们宣讲基督教教义。There are many religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.世界上有很多宗教,比如佛教、基督教、印度教、伊斯兰教和犹太教。The YMCA is running a day camp with crafts, sports, and water fun.基督教青年会正在举办一个日间活动营,活动包括手工艺、体育和水上游乐。The church's message of salvation has changed the lives of many.基督教中耶稣拯救灵魂的教义改变了很多人的生活。His followers adhere to a blend of Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian teachings.他的追随者信奉佛教、印度教和基督教这三教教义的融合体。The protest was led by a small group of Christian fundamentalists.这次抗议是一小撮基督教原教旨主义者发起的。The church has broken the agreement, by insisting all employees must be practising Christians.教会坚持所有雇员都必须信奉基督教,这一做法破坏了协议。The early Christian martyrs were killed by the thousands.成千上万的早期基督教殉道者被屠杀。Godparents agree to educate their godchild in the practice of the Christian faith.教父教母同意对自己的教子教女进行基督教教育。Springs and wells were decorated, a custom which was carried over into Christian times in Europe.装饰泉眼和水井的习俗在欧洲一直延续到了基督教时代。She rejected the traditional Christian doctrines.她摒弃了传统的基督教教义。The Christian Democrats did marginally worse than expected.基督教民主党人的表现比预期稍有逊色。He intended his novel to dramatize the conflict between heresy and Christianity.他打算在他的小说里戏剧化地再现异教与基督教之间的冲突。They are acting in a way that directly contradicts Christian beliefs.他们的行为方式完全背弃了基督教的信仰。Protestantism and Roman Catholicism are both denominations of the Christian faith.新教和天主教都是基督教的分支。They professed Christianity.他们宣称信仰基督教He claims that modern physics affirms his Christian beliefs.他声称现代物理学坚定了他的基督教信仰。I was brought up a Methodist.我是受基督教循道宗的教育长大的。All Christendom responded to the call.整个基督教世界都响应了这一号召。All employees must be practising Christians.所有雇员都必须信奉基督教Christianity rests on the belief that Jesus was the son of God.基督教的基本教义信奉耶稣是上帝之子。The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics.基督教右翼组织在国家政治中逐渐获得越来越广泛的支持。The statue is a fine example of early Christian art.这尊塑像是早期基督教艺术的典范。Millions of Christian monks deny themselves the pleasure of human touch.数百万的基督教僧侣不允许自己享受身体触碰带来的快乐。




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