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词汇 to appease
例句 They made sacrifices to appease the gods.他们供奉祭品,求神息怒。Efforts to appease the angry protesters were unsuccessful.安抚愤怒抗议者的努力没能奏效。They left gifts for the gods to appease their wrath.他们向诸神呈上祭礼,以平息他们的愤怒。The government tried to appease discontented workers.政府试图安抚不满的工人们。Politicians are often suspected of trying to appease campaign contributors from the oil industry.人们常常怀疑政客们会尽力满足来自石油行业的竞选捐助者的要求。They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks.他们答应举行会谈试图平息国际上的反对声音。We had no way to appease our hunger.我们无法缓解饥饿。Chamberlain should never have tried to appease Hitler.张伯伦根本不应该试图绥靖希特勒。Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler with Sudetenland at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑企图牺牲苏台德地区来安抚希特勒。Gandhi was accused by some of trying to appease both factions of the electorate.一些人指责甘地试图安抚两派选民。She claimed that the government had only changed the law in order to appease their critics.她称政府修改法律仅仅是为了安抚那些批评政府的人。It was a blunder for them to try to appease the aggressor.他们想姑息侵略者,那是一个大错。




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