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词汇 to appeal
例句 The press mocked his attempts to appeal to young voters.报界嘲笑他试图讨好年轻的选民。We intend to appeal the verdict.我们打算对裁决提出上诉。He was found guilty but was granted/given leave to appeal against the verdict.他被判有罪,但获准提出上诉。We plan to appeal the court's decision.我们计划对法院判决提起上诉。She has been denied the right to appeal to the Supreme Court.她被剥夺了向最高法院上诉的权利。I intend to appeal that judgment.我打算对那判决提出上诉。This careful phraseology is clearly intended to appeal to various sides of the conflict.这种谨慎的措词显然是有意迎合冲突各方。His films are not intended to appeal to the multitudes. 他的电影不是为了吸引普通观众。The candidates try hard to appeal to the electorate. 这些候选人想尽各种办法迎合选民。It was one of the first avant-garde works to appeal to a wide audience.这是受到观众广泛好评的首批先锋派作品之一。Her lawyer said that she plans to appeal her conviction.她的律师说,她打算就针对她的判决提起上诉。We intend to appeal.我们打算上诉。He waived his right to appeal.他放弃了上诉的权利。She has decided not to appeal against a court order banning her from keeping animals.对于法院禁止她饲养动物的判令,她决定不再上诉。The Crown had planned to appeal against the leniency of the sentence.王室不满这么轻的判决,已经计划上诉。The story was angled to appeal to younger readers.这一新闻从吸引年轻读者的角度进行了报道。The party needs to appeal to a broader constituency.该政党需要争取更广泛的选民支持。The menu was designed to appeal to both children and adults.这份菜单意在吸引小孩和大人。He has decided to appeal to the European Court.他已决定向欧洲法庭提出上诉。The banks may decide to appeal to a higher court.银行可能决定向上级法院上诉。To win the election he needs to appeal to the typical man in the street.他要在选举中获胜就需要迎合普通百姓。The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution.个人向上一级法院提出上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利。They intend to appeal the verdict.他们打算对裁决提出上诉。Politicians these days are packaged to appeal to a mass market.如今的政客们都进行了包装以吸引大众。The House of Lords is a law unto itself, so it never gives reasons for turning down a petition for leave to appeal.上议院我行我素,拒绝上诉许可申请时从来不给出理由。Matthew knows how to appeal to people's finer feelings.马修知道怎样博取人们的好感。The President went on television to appeal for calm.总统在电视上发表讲话号召人们保持平静。His films are not intended to appeal to the masses.他的影片不是为了迎合大众。The article examines the language politicians use to appeal to the body politic.这篇文章研究了政治人物寻求人民支持时使用的语言。It's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters.这一竞选政策意在吸引郊区和小城镇选民。Bartholomew's family is almost certain to appeal the court's decision.巴塞洛缪一家几乎肯定会对法院的判决提出上诉。The subject matter of the textbook was carefully chosen to appeal to students.这本教科书的题材经过了精挑细选,以吸引学生。Joyce's books seem designed to appeal to the intellect rather than the emotions.乔伊斯的作品似乎要吸引人的理性而非感性。Advertisers are trying to appeal to the youth market.广告商正努力打开年轻人市场。Any employee who is fired has an automatic right to appeal.任何被解雇的雇员都自动享有上诉权。The candidate hopes to appeal to centrists nationwide.这位候选人希望获得全国中间派的支持。The party has watered down its ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.为了吸引中间力量,该党已经淡化了其理想。The ad campaign was supposed to appeal to young people but it missed the mark.这场广告宣传旨在吸引年轻人,却未达到目的。His detective novels are beginning to appeal to a wider audience.他的侦探小说开始吸引更广泛的读者群。Most movies are designed to appeal to a mainstream audience.多数电影都为迎合主流观众而摄制。




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