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词汇 come home
例句 Do please come home soon, for it's mouldy without you.请快回家来吧,没你在真没劲。We can argue about definitions until the cows come home.我们可以无休止地争论定义。The parents of an art student who disappeared in the middle of his exams have made an emotional plea for him to come home.一名艺术系学生考试中途出走,他的父母伤心地恳求他回家。At last it's come home to me how much I owe to my parents.我终于懂得父母给我的恩惠是多么大。They must have come home early.他们肯定早就到家了。She'll come home when she runs out of money, that's for sure.她把钱花完就会回家,那是肯定的。Her parents were out of their heads with worry when she didn't come home on time.她没有按时回家时,她的父母心急如焚。Why don't you come home with me until you sort things out?.你何不先和我一起回家,等事情解决了再走?They waited in a state of feverish anxiety for their mother to come home.他们焦躁不安地等着母亲回家。It's hard to shift gear when you come home after a busy day at work.上班忙了一天后回到家里很难回过神来。You can initiate policies until the cows come home, but unless they're monitored at a senior level, you won't get results.你可以花很长时间来制定政策,但除非高层对之进行监管,否则不会有效果。Kevin had come home really upset after a quarrel with a workmate.凯文与一位同事吵架后,回到家里气呼呼的。His mother makes a fuss of him every time he comes home.他每次回家,母亲总对他体贴备至。My mother makes a fuss of me every time I come home.我每次回家,母亲总对我体贴备至。It was not unusual for me to come home late.回家晚对我来说是不稀奇的。Just do as you please. Either come home for dinner, or stay in town if you prefer.随你的心愿。可以回家吃饭,你若愿意待在城里也行。You don't think he's gone native, do you? Perhaps he has married out there and decided he can't come home.你觉得他并没有入乡随俗,是吗?可能他和那里的人结了婚,认定回不了家了。We ran out of money and had to come home early.我们钱都花光了,不得不提早回家。Her parents waited anxiously for her to come home that night.那晚,她的父母焦急不安地等她回家。If you don't come home this instant, I'll skin you alive.你如果不马上回家,我就剥了你的皮。Like most mothers, I always feel anxious when my children come home late.与大多数母亲一样,当孩子回家晚时我总是感到担心。We had precise orders to come home by nine o'clock.我们得到严格的命令须于九点前回家。They hoped desperately that their missing son would come home.他们焦急地盼望失踪的儿子能够回家。It eventually comes home to the people that knowledge is a kind of produtive forces.人们最终认识到知识是一种生产力。Your mother wants you to come home.你妈妈想要你回家。He'd barely come home when he whaled into me for not writing to him.他一回家就责怪我不给他写信。It was obvious from her anxious expression that he had not come home yet.从她焦虑的表情看来他显然还未回家。Jack often comes home from rugby covered in cuts and bruises.杰克打完橄榄球回到家里,往往身上伤痕累累。She often comes home from work looking a little the worse for wear.她下班回家常常显得有些疲倦。He will come home tomorrow. At least, that's my assumption.他明天会回家。至少我是这么臆测的。When he didn't come home, I began to fear the worst.他没有回家,我开始担心发生了最糟糕的事情。All I'm hoping for is that wherever Trevor is he will come home safe and sound.我只希望不管特雷弗在哪里,他都能平平安安回家。Sara comes home from her day job at a supermarket and two hours later she's on stage as Maria in the Sound of Music.萨拉白天从超市下班回到家,两个小时之后她就变成了《音乐之声》舞台上的玛丽亚。It knackers me when I do a day's work then come home and have to do the house.我上了一天班,回家后还得干家务,真是筋疲力尽。After work I like to come home and relax for a while in front of the television.下班后,我喜欢回家看看电视放松一会儿。After years of overspending, the chickens have come home to roost.年复一年地超支,现在终于尝到苦果了。She was glad her husband had come home for dinner.她很高兴,丈夫回来吃晚饭了。When I come home from a hard day at work, I don't feel like talking to anyone.我辛苦工作了一天,回到家里后不想和任何人说话。My dad's so predictable - every evening he comes home, has two beers, and falls asleep in front of the TV.我爸爸总是这副样子—每天晚上回到家里,喝两杯啤酒,就在电视机前睡着了。Do you have to make a federal case out of it every time I come home late?每次我回家晚了,你都非得这么小题大做吗?




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