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例句 Carter and Reagan had come into politics relatively late in life.卡特和里根从政相对较晚。In his job he comes into contact with many different people.他在工作中接触到各种各样的人。Their plans to get married have come into the open.他们的结婚计划已公布。 This method has come into wide use in this area.这方法在这一地区已被广泛使用。When you first come into the building, you'll see the elevators just across the lobby.一进大楼,你就能看到穿过大厅就是电梯。They have come into conflict, sometimes violently.他们产生了矛盾,有时矛盾还非常激烈。The new system should come into force at the dissolution of the present parliament.新制度应在本届议会解散时生效。Money also comes into the equation.还要顾及金钱因素。In a choice between the use of rail and car, the question of cost will come into the equation.在选择使用火车还是汽车时,要考虑到成本因素。What you want doesn't come into the equation.你想要的不会成为影响因素之一。The question of compensation comes into focus.赔偿问题成了焦点。The new regulations come into effect next month.新规定下个月开始生效。New accounting rules come into force next year.新的会计准则明年生效。Deciding who to hire should be a business decision. You shouldn't allow personal feelings to come into it. 决定雇谁应该是一项商业决策,不应掺杂个人情感。The new law comes into force as from midnight tomorrow.新法律从明天零点起开始生效。The new world order was expected to come into existence after the collapse of Communism in eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War.东欧共产主义垮台和冷战结束后,世界盼望一个新秩序的诞生。I don't really know where Hortense comes into all this.我真的不清楚霍滕斯在整个这件事中起什么作用。Police are urging drivers not to come into London this weekend.警方力劝人们这个周末不要开车进伦敦。You must quieten down when the teacher comes into the classroom.老师来到教室时你们必须安静下来。When a person is ill, the body's natural defence mechanisms come into operation.生病时,人体内的自然防御机制就会开始工作。It's an unrestricted journey, and rules of any sort don't come into it.这是一次没有任何限制的旅行,所有的规则都不起作用。She has really started to come into her own recently.最近她真正开始得心应手起来。How had this compromising picture come into the possession of the press?这张令人难堪的照片是怎么落到媒体手中的?Spit your gum out before you come into the classroom.进教室之前把口香糖吐掉。The police asked the arrested man how the revolver had come into his possession.警方诘问被捕者那支左轮手枪是如何到他手里的。A new EU directive on maternity leave will come into force next month.欧盟的一项产假新政策将在下个月生效。Trees come into leaf in spring.树木在春天长叶子。Sorry, you can't come into this club - you're barred.抱歉,你不能进入这个俱乐部,你被禁入了。We don't really know where Hortense comes into all this.我们真的不清楚霍滕斯在这中间起什么作用。Many of these problems may simply fade into irrelevance when the new rules come into force.一旦新规则开始实施,这些问题大多可能就会变得无关紧要了。As one plant fades, another comes into flower.一株植物凋谢了,另一株又会盛开。Your glasses would completely steam up when you come into the warm room in winter.在冬天进到温暖的房间时,眼镜上会全部蒙上水汽。In his efforts to make it rhyme he seems to have chosen the first word that comes into his head.为了押韵,他似乎选择了脑海里出现的第一个词。I'll learn you to come into my orchard and steal apples.到我果园里来偷苹果我要叫你好看。It's cold standing out there - come into the warm.站在外边挺冷的——进来暖和暖和吧。There are cases in which these rules come into conflict with one another.在有些情况下,这些规定相互矛盾。You'd better come into hospital where we can keep an eye on you.你最好住院,我们可以照看你。The first price increases are due to come into force in July.第一轮价格上涨预计七月开始实施。Do not let the glue come into contact with water.不要让这种胶水碰到水。Could she have come into contact with the disease at school?她会不会是在学校染上了这种病?




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