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词汇 安全
例句 I saw them crossing the street and I waited until they were safely across.我看见他们正在过马路,就一直等到他们安全到了对面。I shall conceal myself at a safe distance from the battlefield.我会躲在一个远离战场的安全地带。A large safety screen, securely fixed to the wall, will prevent a child coming into contact with a fire.一块很大的安全隔板牢固地固定在墙上,可以防止儿童接触到火。In truth we feared for her safety, although we didn't let it be known.我们的确很担心她的安全,尽管我们没有表现出来。A film cameraman was airlifted to safety yesterday after being trapped inside a volcano for two days.一名电影摄影师在火山里被困了两天之后,已于昨天由飞机运送到一个安全的地方。I assured myself that the bridge was safe before crossing it.我弄清楚那座桥确实安全才过。She is concerned about your safety.她不放心你的安全The ship, whose engine had failed, is now safely under tow.引擎失灵的船正被安全地拖着走。The nuclear waste is safely buried in the deepest part of the ocean.核废料被安全地埋在海洋的最深处。Make sure you keep the key in a safe place.一定要把钥匙放在安全的地方。Having a burglar alarm makes you feel safer, I suppose.我想,装个防盗报警器可以让人感觉更安全The pilot managed to land the aircraft safely.飞行员设法使飞机安全降落。Lamps should be safely wired.电灯布线要安全稳妥。The Constitution grants the president plenipotentiary powers to use military force to protect our national security.宪法赋予总统全权来使用武力保卫国家安全They dropped down a rope to see if it was safe.他们放一根绳子下去看看是不是安全Our road safety record compares favourably with that of other European countries.我们的道路安全纪录比欧洲其他国家要好。We will institute a number of measures to safeguard the public.我们将制定若干措施以保护公众安全Richard was now safe inside his castle.理查德目前在他的城堡里是安全的。Outside it was a cold wintry day, but Anne felt safe and warm inside by the fire.屋外一片寒冬景象,但安妮坐在火炉旁感到安全和温暖。A security perimeter of concrete blocks and barbed wire has been set up.用水泥板和带刺铁丝网搭建起了安全围栏。He warned others about the live electric cables as they climbed to safety.他们爬到安全地带时他警告其他人注意带电的电缆。Wait until there is no traffic and it's safe to cross.等到没有车辆时再过马路才安全Keep your credit card in a safe place.请将信用卡存放在安全的地方。They had to listen to the usual yada yada about bike safety.他们不得不听那些有关自行车安全的老生常谈。The Safety Officer provides guidance on firefighting and office safety.安全专员会提供消防和办公室安全方面的指导。Eighty of the passengers were led to safety.有八十名乘客被带到安全地带。He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.他断言核能是安全、无污染的能源。A hospital is usually the best place for a safe delivery.医院通常是安全分娩的最佳地方。Police secured the building.警方保护了这座大楼的安全Crime Prevention Officers can visit your home and suggest ways to make it safer.预防犯罪的官员可以登门拜访并就如何使居所更安全向你提出建议。All fireworks must conform to British safety standards.所有焰火的生产都必须遵照英国安全标准。I can't stress enough that security is of the highest importance.需要再三强调的是,安全是重中之重。Some months ago angry demonstrators mounted a noisy demonstration beneath his window. His neighbours thereupon insisted upon more security.几个月前,愤怒的示威者在他的窗下发起了闹哄哄的抗议活动,随后他的邻居们坚决要求加强安全防范。Parents shouldn't skimp when it comes to their child's safety.家长在涉及孩子安全方面的问题时不应该节省。She eventually persuaded an airline to jet them to safety.她终于说服了一家航空公司用喷气式飞机把他们运到安全的地方。We do not know whether the lake is safe for swimming in.我们不知道在这湖里游泳是否安全The courts must balance our liberty against the security of the nation.法庭必须在我们的自由和国家的安全方面作出权衡。Local parents have formed an action group to campaign for better road safety.当地的家长成立了行动小组,以争取改善道路安全状况。Once your twins are mobile, keeping them safe becomes a major task.一旦你的双胞胎会走路,保证他们的安全便成了最大的事。They obviously have no regard for other people's safety.他们显然不顾及别人的安全




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