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词汇 affirmative
例句 They led a march in support of affirmative action.他们走在游行队伍前面,支持维权行动。He asked me if I was ready. I answered in the affirmative.他问我是否准备好了。我给出了肯定的回答。The court's ruling narrowed the scope of the affirmative action program.法庭的裁决缩小了反歧视政策方案的范围。Haig was desperately eager for an affirmative answer.黑格非常渴望得到一个肯定的回答。She answered in the affirmative.她作了肯定回答。Many whites reject affirmative action as a redress for historic wrongs.许多白人拒绝接受为纠正历史错误而进行的反歧视行动。Black women are more in favour of affirmative action than black men.黑人女性比男性更支持反歧视行动。Her answer was affirmative.她的回答是肯定的。She gave an affirmative answer, not a negative answer.她给了一个肯定的而不是否定的回答。Amnestied illegals benefit from affirmative action programme.获得大赦的非法移民从反歧视行动计划中受益。She asked the question expecting an affirmative.她问这个问题是希望得到肯定的答复。He replied promptly in the affirmative.他迅速作出了肯定的回应。Dr Sinclair's affirmative nod seemed a shade reluctant.辛克莱博士的点头同意似乎有一丝勉强。He didn't feel very affirmative about what was happening.他对正在发生的事不抱乐观态度。He gave an unambiguously affirmative answer.他给出了一个明确的肯定答复。Haig was desperate for an affirmative answer.黑格迫切想得到肯定的答复。The action is likely to reopen debates about affirmative action.这个行动可能会再次引发有关反歧视行动的辩论。An affirmative resolution of both Houses of Parliament is needed.需要一个国会两院均持赞同意见的决议。When asked if he recognized the defendant, the witness replied in the affirmative.当被问及是否认出被告的时候,证人作出肯定的回答。Britain does not use affirmative-action programmes to enforce multiculturalism.英国没有采取平权措施来强制推行多元文化政策。They answered in the affirmative.他们作了肯定的回答。




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