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The students rested the books in/on their laps.学生们把书搁在大腿上。She devoted herself to her students with undivided concentration and energy.她把全部的心思和精力都奉献给了自己的学生。The scholarship committee will give preference to students from disadvantaged backgrounds.奖学金评定委员将优先考虑那些来自贫困家庭的学生。The report slurs both the teachers and students.该报道对教师和学生都进行了诋毁。The work that students do during the term counts towards their final grade.学生平时的功课会算到期末总分里。The loyalty oath was intended to protect students from so-called subversive teachers.效忠宣誓的目的是保护学生免受所谓的颠覆教师的影响。Mathematics teachers consider it necessary to set after two terms.数学教师认为两个学期后有必要按能力把学生分班。The students are allowed to use textbooks to find the right answer.学生可以查看课本以找到正确答案。It enabled students to devote more time to their studies, or to be more accurate, more time to relaxation.它可以让学生们有更多的时间来学习,或者更准确一点说,有更多的时间来放松自己。The students are learning solid geometry.这些学生正在学习立体几何学。Her boyfriend was a political science major at Berkeley.她男朋友是伯克利大学政治专业的学生。Teachers aim to assess the appropriacy of the language used by their students in particular contexts.老师们旨在评估学生在特定语境中使用语言的得体性。We tried to contact all former students but one or two slipped through the net.我们设法联系所有以前的学生,但还是漏掉了一两个。Many students suffer financial hardship.许多学生都有经济上的困难。We sent advance copies of the new course book to the teacher and the students who were to use it.我们先送了几册新教科书给要用书的老师和学生们。Students learned to approximate the distance between the Earth and the planets.学生们学会了估算地球与行星之间的大概距离。Students were giving out leaflets to everyone on the street.学生们正在街上向大家分发传单。Half of Martha's class has gone down with flu.玛莎班上有一半的学生得了流感。The contents of this booklet should be of use to all students.这本小册子的内容应该会对所有的学生都有用处。Students are all put in different groups according to their ability.所有的学生都按能力进行编组。We sent the culprit to the office and let the principal give him a lesson.我们把触犯校规的学生送到办公室,让校长训他一顿。The class introduces students to computer programming.这门课程让学生们初步了解计算机编程。Students viewed Latin as boring and irrelevant.学生认为拉丁语无趣且无关紧要。A group of students sat around the table chatting.一群学生围坐在桌子旁边聊天。I don't believe in spoon-feeding students.我不赞成对学生进行填鸭式灌输。Students require field experience rather than just observation.学生所需的不仅是观察,他们更需要实际经验。Teachers should try to avoid imposing their own beliefs on their students.教师应避免把自己的信念强加给学生。They divided the students into three manageable groups.他们把学生分成三组,便于管理。The researchers failed to account for the fact that most of the students were poor.研究者没有考虑这样一个事实:这些学生大部分都很穷。Theoretical subjects have lost their appeal for students.理论学科对学生已失去吸引力。All the students replied in chorus to the teacher's question.所有学生齐声回答老师的问题。He smiled benignly at his students.他对学生亲切地微笑。The school has gained improved exam results by involving parents more in their children's education.该学校让家长更多地参与孩子的教育,使学生的考试成绩得以提高。He became involved in student politics whilst studying at Nottingham University.他在诺丁汉大学学习时参加过学生政治活动。The financial assistance given to students is less than adequate.学生得到的财政援助不足。Students will carry out simple laboratory experiments.学生将进行简单的实验室实验。Students often travel hundreds of miles to get here.学生常常赶数百英里的路来到这里。Most of the students explained far too little about their research methods.多数学生对自己的研究方法所作的解释太少了。There is a need for more interaction between staff and children.教工与学生之间需要更多的交流。The teacher puts his pupils' noses to the grindstone all the time.老师把学生们弄得一天到晚忙个不停。 |