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词汇 学术成就
例句 Winners are selected on the basis of high academic achievement.优胜者的选拔以学术成就的高低为基础。There is a close connection between family background and academic achievement.家庭背景与学术成就之间有密切的关系。Academic success and performance on IQ tests do generally correlate.学术成就与智商测试中的表现通常是相关的。Her family is proud of all her academic accomplishments.家人为她所取得的学术成就而自豪。Her academic achievements shamed her brothers.她的学术成就使她的兄弟们相形见绌。Your academic achievements will redound to the fame of the research institution.你的学术成就将有助于提高这个研究所的声誉。An alert, inquiring mind conduces to good scholarship.机敏好钻研的头脑有利于取得良好的学术成就She received awards for her academic achievements/accomplishments.她因学术成就受到了表彰。Their great academic success was paraded as paradigmatic.他们辉煌的学术成就被当作了典范。




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