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They seem to be more concerned with obeying the letter of the law than with understanding the spirit of the law. 他们似乎更关注对法律的字面意思的遵守,而非对其精神实质的领会。Some idiomatic phrases don't translate literally, so you have to find an equivalent.有些短语不能按字面意思翻译,因此必须找对应的说法。The lawyers have violated the spirit, if not the letter, of the law.律师们就算没有违背法律的字面意思,也已经违背了法律的精神。These threats should not be taken at face value.这些威胁不应该按字面意思来理解。The word has a metaphorical as well as a literal meaning.这个单词除了字面意思还有一个比喻意思。A stanza is, literally, a room.节的字面意思是房间。Translations that are done too literally often don't flow well or don't sound natural.太拘泥于字面意思的翻译往往会不太流畅或不太自然。He took her comments literally.他按字面意思理解她的评论。 |