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词汇 嫌犯
例句 The jury's condemnation was a shock to the suspect.陪审团宣告有罪使嫌犯大为震惊。The suspect will be tried within the next few weeks.嫌犯将在未来几周内受审。The detective perceived a change in the suspect's attitude.侦探察觉到嫌犯态度的转变。Police were in position to catch the fleeing suspect.警察已经就位,准备捉拿在逃嫌犯Police cornered the suspect in a backyard.警察将嫌犯逼到后院。The police rounded up all the suspects.警方围捕了所有嫌犯The suspect was arrested after a tussle with a security guard.嫌犯与保安扭打后被捕了。Accusations of harbouring suspects were raised against the former Hungarian leadership.匈牙利前领导层被指控窝藏嫌犯The police officer got a confession out of the suspect.警察让嫌犯招了供。The police ordered a roundup of all the suspects.警方下令对所有嫌犯进行围捕。Police have released an E-fit picture of the suspected gunman.警方已公布持枪嫌犯的电子画像。The police had nothing on that suspect.警方未掌握那嫌犯的犯罪证据。The police ruled them out as suspects when it was proved that they were out of town when the crime was committed.事实证明案发时他们不在镇上,因此警方排除了他们是嫌犯的可能。The suspect was subjected to cross-examination at the police station.嫌犯在警察局受到盘问。The police say the suspect has a slight blemish on his left cheek.警方说嫌犯的左颊上有一小块疤痕。The suspect had refused to give any details of his identity and had carried no documents on his person.嫌犯拒绝透露任何有关其身份的详情,身上也没有携带任何证件。Police gave chase to the suspect as he fled the scene.嫌犯逃离现场时,警察追了过去。At the sight of the policemen coming towards the house, the suspect made a bolt for the door.瞥见警察向屋子走来,嫌犯便欲夺门而逃。The suspect was apprehended for planting a fake bomb in a bus terminal.嫌犯因在公共汽车终点站放置假炸弹而被捕。A man arrested in Madrid is believed to be responsible for the bombings.一个在马德里被捕的人被认为是爆炸案嫌犯The suspects are all reputed gang members.嫌犯都是公认的黑帮成员。The police used pepper spray to bring the suspect under control.警方用辣椒喷雾剂制服了嫌犯The policeman called for backup because the suspect was carrying a gun.由于嫌犯手里有枪,警察请求增援。Suspected terrorists had been caught trying to enter the country using British passports.恐怖嫌犯在试图用英国护照进入该国时被捕。The police officer got the gun out of the suspect's hand.警察缴获了嫌犯手中的枪。The witness had copied down the license plate number of the taxi the suspect used to get away.证人记下了嫌犯逃跑时乘坐的出租车的车牌号。The suspect sat tight and insisted he was innocent.嫌犯始终坚持自己是无辜的。A few confusing questions tripped up the suspect.几个棘手的问题使嫌犯泄漏了真情。The prosecutor must have a search warrant before he searches a suspect's properties.检察官必须要有搜索票才可以搜索嫌犯的财产。By a process of elimination, the police had just two suspects left.警方借助排除法锁定了两名嫌犯After hours of questioning by the police, the suspect finally cracked. 被警方询问几个小时后,嫌犯终于交代了。The police snagged the suspect as he was trying to run away.警方抓住了正要逃跑的嫌犯In the morning the suspect had flown the coop.嫌犯在早晨偷偷跑掉了。




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