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词汇 婚事
例句 His parents are very much set against the marriage.他的父母竭力反对这门婚事Jim's father disapproved of his marriage to Mary.吉姆的父亲不赞成他与玛丽的婚事My parents didn't approve of the marriage, so we eloped.我父母不赞成这桩婚事,所以我们就私奔了。Try to win your mother to our marriage.设法劝说你的母亲同意我们的婚事All my friends seem to be pairing off and getting married.我所有的朋友好像都已成双入对,正在准备婚事I thought from the first that she was a little unsure about that marriage.从一开始我就觉得她对那桩婚事心里没底。Their son/daughter married well.他们儿子/女儿的婚事令人满意。Her father would not consent to the marriage.她父亲不会同意这门婚事Her parents tried to prevent the marriage but the wedding took place notwithstanding.她父母试图阻止这桩婚姻,尽管如此,婚事还是办了。My marriage is none of your business, David.我的婚事与你无关,戴维。She remained ambivalent about her marriage.她对于自己的婚事仍然拿不定主意。Her father consented to the marriage.她父亲答应了这桩婚事He withheld his consent to the marriage.他拒不同意这门婚事She disapproved the arrangements for the wedding.她不赞成婚事的安排。He reluctantly consented to his daughter's marriage.他勉强同意女儿的婚事This odd marriage might be the making of Daisy.这桩别扭的婚事可能是黛茜造成的。They were desperate to keep the marriage hush-hush.他们拼命想要瞒住这桩婚事The father mollifies and is reconciled to their marriage.父亲的态度软化了,认可了他们的婚事He had to face up to the fact that his family disapproved of his wife.他必须面对家人不赞同婚事的事实。Her family were dead against the marriage.她的家人坚决反对这桩婚事We're saving up to get married.我们正积钱准备办婚事It was to have been a double wedding.原本打算两件婚事一起办的。Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage.她父亲勉强答应了这桩婚事She bleated her disapproval of her son's marriage to Amy.她用颤抖的声音表示不赞成儿子与艾咪的婚事Her father will not speak to her, because she married against his wishes.她父亲不想跟她说话,因为她的婚事违背了父亲的意愿。As Smith became embroiled with his new lover, the marriage was called off.史密斯与新情人纠缠不清,导致他的婚事告吹。The movie stars were married amid a blaze of publicity.这对电影明星的婚事受到大肆报道。If my father won't agree to the marriage, we'll just have to elope.如果我爸爸不同意这桩婚事,我们就只好私奔了。Her parents tried hard to squash the match and get her to marry another man.她父母千方百计想破坏这桩婚事,要她嫁给另一名男子。The marriage signalled James's embrace of the Catholic faith.这桩婚事标志着詹姆斯皈依了天主教。




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