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The shelves were packed with dolls of every shape and size.架子上摆满了形状各异、大小不一的娃娃。The doll is cracked and worn, but it's precious to me because it was my mother's.这个娃娃又破又旧,可对我来说很宝贵,因为它是我妈妈的。She likes to play at dolls with her daughter.她喜欢和女儿在一起玩娃娃。My son is still a baby in arms.我的儿子还是个需人怀抱的娃娃。I found her sobbing in the bedroom because she'd broken her favourite doll.我看见她在卧室里抽泣,因为她弄坏了自己最心爱的娃娃。The baby gurgled its satisfaction with life.娃娃咯咯作声,表示心满意足。I was just admiring the detail in the doll's house - even the tins of food have labels on them.我只是感叹娃娃屋顶制作之精致——就连食品罐头上都还贴着标签呢。She had a childhood passion for collecting dolls.她小时候酷爱收集娃娃。With a few snips she cut out a paper doll.她在纸上嚓嚓几刀就剪出一个娃娃。You're not a man at all. Just a mummy's boy.你根本不是个男子汉,只不过是个离不开妈妈的娃娃。The little girl looked at the doll and couldn't tear herself away.小女孩看着玩偶娃娃,舍不得离开。She talks well enough for a baby.作为一个娃娃,她说话口齿可算清楚的了。She was past playing with dolls.她已经过了玩娃娃的年龄了。As a child, she preferred playing football with the boys to playing with dolls.孩提时代她喜欢与男孩子一起踢足球,而不是玩娃娃。She got the baby off to sleep at last.她终于把娃娃哄得睡着了。Oh, be quiet! You're behaving like a two-year-old.哦,别闹了!你的行为就像个两岁的娃娃。 |