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词汇 威廉
例句 William learned to read when he was four.威廉四岁学会认字。William went away muttering to himself.威廉喃喃自语着走开了。Young William played well, didn't he?年轻的威廉打得很好,不是吗?She was taken by ambulance to hospital in Fort William.她被救护车送往威廉堡的医院。One of the twins is named John and the other William, but which is which?双胞胎中一个叫约翰,另一个叫威廉,但是哪个是哪个呢?Mr Bennett is almost a double for Mr William.贝内特先生的外貌几乎同威廉先生一模一样。He was substituting for the injured William Wales.他替下了受伤的威廉·威尔士。William's correspondence with Helmut was interrupted by the war.威廉与赫尔穆特的通信联系因战争而中断。I got a dark look from William.威廉凶恶地瞪了我一眼。William whistled to me from a distance.威廉在远处向我吹了声口哨。King William's proposal of his relative as candidate for the throne of Spain.威廉国王让其亲戚做西班牙王位候选人的提议。The English that was spoken by William Shakespeare is very different from the modern English spoken today.威廉·莎士比亚讲的英语与今天所用的现代英语差异很大。William raised his hat and smiled at her.威廉抬了一下帽子,朝她笑笑。Governor William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly.威廉·利文斯顿州长在新泽西州议会上发表了演说。William requested a glass of ice water.威廉要了一杯冰水。William is the rightful heir to the throne.威廉是合法的王位继承人。I hardly know anyone in the village apart from William and you.威廉和你之外,我几乎不认识村里的任何人。Oil from the spill spurted into the crystal waters of Prince William Sound.溢出的石油涌入威廉王子湾清澈的水域。William is not of this smooth make.威廉不是这种圆滑伶俐的人。The crowd gave William a rousing reception.群众对威廉报以热烈的掌声。William was seized with uncontrollable rage.威廉怒不可遏。Crusading journalist William Lloyd Garrison represented the radical fringe.斗志昂扬的新闻工作者威廉·劳埃德·加里森代表激进的这一派。William Frederick Cody, otherwise known as Buffalo Bill.威廉·弗雷德里克·科迪,也叫水牛比尔William was going to kick up a fuss, but he realized he'd have to lump it.威廉本想大闹一番,却意识到自己只能忍下这口气。William didn't succeed first time, but then very few people do.威廉第一次没有成功,不过,很少有人第一次就成功的。I told William, but he didn't believe me.我告诉了威廉,可他不相信我。Once or twice she had caught a flash of interest in William's eyes.有那么一两次,她发现威廉的眼睛里流露出一丝感兴趣的神色。Don't tell your sister what William said - you'll only hurt her feelings.威廉说的话不要跟你姐说一那只会让她伤心。Only William would ever sink so low as to organize a date there.只有威廉会堕落到如此地步,把约会安排在那里。Poor old William is an incurable romantic.可怜的老威廉是个无可救药的浪漫主义者。Helen has been seeing William on the sly,because her mother objects to their friendship.海伦一直秘密地同威廉相会,因为她的母亲反对他们交朋友。William was a man of discernment, with an eye for quality.威廉是个有鉴赏力的人,对于品质的优劣很有眼光。Thank you to Jim Sheppe for drawing the maps. And lastly, a very big thank-you to Tony, William, Deborah and Bethan.多谢詹姆·谢泼绘制的地图。最后,非常感谢托尼、威廉、德博拉和贝唐。Mr Fitzwilliam had been seen as a pillar of the community.菲茨威廉先生已被视为社区的骨干。William raced up the stairs, full of energy and excitement.威廉快步跑上楼梯,浑身散发着活力和激情。William was a sulky little boy who seemed to care for nothing except his video games.威廉是个爱生闷气的小男孩,他好像只关心他的电子游戏。To help the family finances, she went back to work at a retail store after William was born.威廉出生后,她为了减轻家庭的经济负担,就回到零售店去工作了。W. Somerset Maugham's novel still packs an emotional punch.威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆的小说仍具有强烈的情感冲击力。William Shatner is better known as Captain Kirk.威廉·沙特纳更为人熟悉的名字是柯克船长。William is a young man who is definitely going places.威廉绝对是个前途无量的年轻人。




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