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词汇 威严
例句 The voice at the other end of the line was serious and commanding.电话另一端传来庄重而威严的声音。Her coolness and authority had completely conquered the audience.她的冷静和威严彻底征服了观众。Washington abandoned his Olympian composure to ride among the men, cursing like a drill sergeant.华盛顿一改往日的威严姿态,在士兵中间骑马,嘴里还像带兵军士一样咒骂着。Beneath their upright dignity, the people were, at heart, warm and kindly.这些人的神态刚正威严,但实际上为人热情,心地善良。Through the window I could see the commanding figure of Mrs Bradshaw.透过窗户,我看到了布拉德肖太太威严的身影。He is trying to project a more dignified, statesmanlike image in this election year.他正试图在这个选举年中树立一种更加威严、更有政治家风范的形象。The new leader has a certain gravitas.这位新领导有一定的威严There was a tone of authority in her voice.她的声音里透着威严They do not seem to have the vast, authoritative presence of those great men.他们似乎不像那些大人物那样气场强大,仪态威严Her smile was warm but authoritative.她的笑容很和蔼,同时又透着威严She was in her mid-forties, neatly dressed with a quiet air of authority.她四十五六岁,衣着整洁,神态里带有一种不露声色的威严He has a deep, masterful voice.他的声音低沉而威严In his new uniform he looked handsome and dignified.他身穿簇新的制服,看上去英俊威严Murphy's powerfully spoken Oedipus is an autocrat of iconic grandeur.墨菲激情演绎的俄狄浦斯王是位圣像般威严的独裁者。He was well-built, but too fleshy to be impressive.他体型健壮,但是因为太胖,一点也不威严He has a commanding presence and an authoritative voice.他仪态威严,声音雄壮。Lovett was a tall, commanding man with a waxed gray moustache.洛维特是个威严的高个儿男人,蓄着打过蜡的灰白八字须。The abbey is known for its majestic arches, fine doorways and elegant windows.这座修道院因为其威严的拱门、精美的门廊和雅致的窗户而闻名。The authoritative manner in which he talked concealed his ignorance.他说话时的威严自信口吻掩盖了他的无知。He has a very commanding voice/manner.他的声音/举止很威严He has a commanding presence and deep, authoritative voice.他仪态威严,声音低沉,说话有威信。His uniform gave him an air of authority.他的制服使他显得很威严His natural authority fitted him for a senior position.他天生的威严使他适合担任领导工作。Lovett was a tall, commanding man with a waxed gray mustache.洛维特是个威严的高个男人,蓄着灰白的八字胡。He gave orders in a commanding voice.他用一种威严的口吻下达了命令。He sat with such regal dignity.他端坐在那里,浑身透着王者的威严She was a quiet, dignified old lady.她是个安静、威严的老妇人。Being so near the august person of the Empress, he was overcome with awe.如此靠近威严的女皇,他心中充满了敬畏。Roberts's stage presence was grave and august.罗伯茨在舞台上的形象庄重而威严




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