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词汇 不再
例句 A public outcry secured her release from detention.公众的强烈抗议使她不再被拘押。This singer is all booked up for a year ahead.这位歌手提前一年就订满合同,不再有余暇了。Dr Albright isn't taking any more patients.奥尔布赖特医生不再接收病人了。He's no longer in the running for the post of chairman.不再有希望当选为主席。Her tears subsided into sniffs.渐渐地她不再流泪,只是抽着鼻子。Well, mother, I won't detain you any longer.好啦,妈,我不再留你了。His injury governed his decision to quit the sport.伤病促使他作出了不再从事这项运动的决定。They're going on/off the dole.他们开始领取/不再领取失业救济金。This is the end of the organization as we know it. 这已经不再是我们所了解的那个组织了。Women used to stay at home to take care of the children, but that's no longer the norm.过去妇女常常待在家中照顾孩子,但现在这已不再是常态。Wines from that region were quite popular for a while, but now they're rather passé.那一地区的葡萄酒一度非常受欢迎,但现在早已风光不再了。They agreed to forget their disagreements and be friends again.他们同意不再提他们之间的不和,重新成为朋友。It used to be the case that British industry was plagued by strikes, but this is no longer true.过去英国工业总被罢工所困扰,这是事实,但现在不再是这样了。Her grin turned into a frown.不再微笑,皱起了眉。Following the band is no longer an endless round of debauchery and excess.这伙人所带来的不再是另一轮无休无止的声色犬马和纵欲无度。His newly acquired Americanisms quickly withered on his lips.他新学到的美国话很快不再挂在嘴上了。My old car has seen better days.我的旧车不再那么好开了。He took an oath to give up gambling.他发誓不再赌博。The glow went out of his voice.他说话的声音不再那么激动了。I'll let you off this time, but never again.这次我宽恕你,但以后不再宽恕了。The team has lost its mojo.这支队伍已经好运不再As it is, I shall have difficulty finishing all this work, without any more.实际上,即便不再分给我其他活儿,光手头这些活儿我也很难完成。We had an explanation and agreed to quarrel no more.我们经过交谈同意不再争吵。They are no longer anything like as fey and reserved as they once were.他们不再像从前那样羞怯矜持了。The building is no longer fit for people to live in.这栋建筑不再适合住人了。She stopped shouting, and peace reigned supreme once again.不再大喊大叫,一切又恢复了平静。Rude behaviour will no longer be tolerated.不再容忍粗鲁的行为。He no longer had ambitions to occupy the throne.不再有占据王位的野心。Soon after France adopted the euro, the French franc ceased to be legal tender.法国使用欧元后,很快法国法郎便不再是法定货币。There seems to be a growing disenchantment with work in the high-tech world.似乎越来越多的人不再迷恋在高科技领域里工作了。If you stop making excuses and do it you'll wonder what took you so long.如果你不再找理由而是干些实事,你就会惊讶自己怎么浪费了这么多时间。A super-efficient sense of smell is no longer vital to our existence.高度灵敏的嗅觉对我们的生存已不再必不可少。He gave up trying to second-guess the stock market.他决定不再猜测股市行情。There's no demand for heavy immovable furniture any more.现在已不再有人需要沉重且无法移动的家具了。When are you going to quit acting like a martyr?你什么时候才能不再摆出一副可怜样?We agreed never to refer to the matter again.我们同意永远不再提这件事。The weather has settled at last.天气终于稳定而不再多变了。The government has said it will no longer subsidize public transport.政府已声明将不再对公共交通实行补贴。They banished red meat from their diet.他们不再吃红肉。He'll be his own man and won't be dictated to.他会变得独立自主,不再听别人发号施令。




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