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词汇 姨妈
例句 Her mother died of cancer and her aunt reared her.她母亲因癌症去世,她姨妈将她抚养大。Much of my early childhood was spent with my aunt in California.我童年早期的大部分时光是和我姨妈在加利福尼亚度过的。My aunt put aside her sewing and picked up her book.我的姨妈把针线活儿放下,拿起了书。Clara has blotted her copybook by forgetting to send Aunt Jemima a birthday card.克拉拉因为忘记送杰迈玛姨妈生日贺卡而丢了颜面。My aunt Clare, bless her, watched the kids while we went out.真得感谢我的克莱尔姨妈,在我们外出时是她帮忙照看孩子们。Aunt Emilie darned old socks.埃米莉姨妈织补旧袜子。I have lots of uncles and aunts.我有很多叔叔、舅舅、姑姑和姨妈Aunt Clara had been so sharp, so witty, but now she is just a sad, confused old woman.克拉拉姨妈以前那么精明、那么机智,可现在她却只是个闷闷不乐、糊里糊涂的老太太。I knew my aunt had a few thousand put away but I never realized she was practically a millionaire!我知道姨妈存了几千元钱,但怎么也想不到她差不多是个百万富翁!My aunt is incredibly vague - she can never remember where she puts things.我的姨妈极其迷糊——她老是记不得自己把东西放在什么地方。Somehow I always end up alone in a room with my talkative aunt.不知怎么的,最后房间里总剩下我一个人与健谈的姨妈在一起。Aunt Lou shot a warning glance at father just as he was about to speak.爸爸刚要说话,卢姨妈就向他投以警告性的目光。My aunt and uncle asked me to join in with them on their holiday abroad.姨妈和姨夫请我跟他们一起去国外度假。My aunt brayed with laughter when I told her what had happened.当我把事情的经过告诉姨妈时,她发出了刺耳的笑声。My aunt's very straitlaced - she'd be shocked if you mentioned sex.姨妈非常古板,如果你提起性方面的事,她会很震惊。Auntie Hilda and Uncle Jack couldn't fuss over them enough.希尔达姨妈和杰克姨父对他们宠爱有加。My aunt is coming over from Dubai for Christmas.姨妈从迪拜赶来过圣诞节。She admired her mother's sister for moving up the social ladder.她羡慕姨妈社会地位的提升。Aunt Edna was scathing about her cousin's religious mania.埃德娜姨妈说起她表姐对宗教的狂热时很尖刻。You'll have to double up with Susie while your aunt is here.姨妈来的时候你得和苏茜同住一屋。My aunt collects porcelain dolls.姨妈收集瓷娃娃。When he met Francesca's aunt he was instantly struck by the family resemblance.当他见到弗朗西丝卡的姨妈时,顿时很吃惊,他们一家人长得那么像。Aunt Maimie's voice droned on.梅米姨妈喋喋不休地说着。You should visit your aunt more often, you know how she dotes on you all.你们应该多去看看姨妈,要知道,她这么宠你们。Aunt Arabella is very stubborn. Kim takes after her in that respect.阿拉贝拉姨妈非常倔强。这方面,金很像她。My aunt's coming to stay in the holidays.假期里我姨妈要来暂住。The baby sicked up some milk on his aunt's shoulder.婴儿将一些奶吐在了他姨妈的肩膀上。Her aunt is also her godmother.她的姨妈也是她的教母。I think you look more like your aunt Margaret than your sister does.我觉得你比你姐姐更像你姨妈玛格丽特。My aunt was sick with me for being rude.姨妈嫌我粗暴无礼心里很不高兴。Look out for your Aunt while you're at the station.你到了车站要留神寻找你姨妈Auntie Ann put a huge wedge of cake on my plate.姨妈把一大块三角形的蛋糕放在我盘子里。Her aunt Effie is certainly an original.她的姨妈埃菲真是个怪人。He didn't have enough money, but his aunt agreed to make up the difference.他的钱不够,不过他姨妈答应为他补足差额。Auntie Winnie wrote back saying Mam wasn't well enough to write.温妮姨妈回信说妈妈身体尚未康复,无法写信。The girls sat on the ground under the watchful eye of their aunt.女孩们坐在地上,她们的姨妈在留神看护着。Did Anna warn you that her aunt is rather... well, rather odd?安娜有没有提醒你,她的姨妈有点一有点怪?It was his aunt who got him started in publishing.是他的姨妈帮他在出版界起步的。Aunt Bertha's getting old now, and she needs someone to take care of her.伯莎姨妈现在年纪越来越大,需要有人照顾。Sally lives with her mother and her spinster aunt.萨莉跟她母亲和她的老处女姨妈住在一起。




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