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词汇 姑息
例句 He said he would show no leniency towards those who stirred up trouble between Muslims and Christians.他说对于那些在穆斯林和基督徒之间挑起事端的人,他绝不会姑息No government can condone disloyalty to it.任何政府都不会姑息对它的不忠。By failing to condemn the march, she was appeasing left-wing elements in the party.她没有谴责这次游行,这是在姑息党内左翼分子。It was a blunder for them to try to appease the aggressor.他们想姑息侵略者,那是一个大错。They have already been accused of appeasement by more militant organisations.已有更多的好战组织谴责他们采取姑息态度。Clearly appeasement forms no part of her nature.她的天性中显然并无姑息的成分。The warders' union has been denouncing the government for coddling prisoners.狱警联盟一直谴责政府姑息犯人。They have already been accused of appeasement by more militant organizations.已经有更多的激进组织谴责他们采取姑息态度。




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