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词汇 姑妈
例句 She cheated her aged aunt out of her fortune.她从年迈的姑妈那里骗得了财产。When dinner was done and cleared away, Auntie Lou made some tea.吃过饭收拾好了桌子之后,卢姑妈沏了几杯茶。Visiting his aunt was only the official motive.探望姑妈仅仅是冠冕堂皇的动因。Timothy bent to kiss his aunt's cheek.蒂莫西欠身亲了一下他姑妈的脸颊。She'd had fun mimicking her aunt.她模仿姑妈的样子,觉得很开心。She had become expert in Chinese cooking under the tuition of her aunt.姑妈的指导下,她已经是烹制中餐的能手。I could hear my aunts cackling in the next room.我可以听见姑妈们在隔壁房间咯咯大笑。Lucy's aunt died a few months ago.露西的姑妈几个月前去世了。My aunt is hard of hearing.姑妈耳朵有点背。She bears a remarkable likeness to her aunt.她和她的姑妈非常相像。My aunt won't tell anyone her age - she says that it's a trade secret.姑妈不愿意把年龄告诉任何人,她说这是个秘密。The man apologized, but Aunt Matilda refused to let the matter rest.那个男人道歉了,但玛蒂尔达姑妈却不肯就此罢休。Bruce gave his aunt a peck on the cheek.布鲁斯在他姑妈的脸颊上匆匆吻了一下。Her aunt said she was possessed by devils.姑妈说她被魔鬼迷住了。Aunt Lilly's gifts were typically generous, and reflected her impeccable taste.莉莉姑妈的礼物向来是出手慷慨,并且反映了她那无可挑剔的品味。He felt a strong pull to visit his aunt.他非常想去看望他的姑妈Be good when we visit your aunt.我们在你姑妈家作客时你要听话。Lucy was staying with her aunt in the nearby town of Hamilton.露西跟她姑妈一起住在附近的哈密尔顿镇上。My aunt Flo was a bold determined woman.姑妈弗洛是一个大胆果断的人。It was a present from Aunt Vera.这是维拉姑妈送的礼物。The girl became homesick after a week's stay at her aunt's.女孩在姑妈家住了一个星期就想家了。My aunt is both a physician and a druggist.我的姑妈既是医生又是药剂师。Her aunt keeps several boarders.姑妈接受几名搭伙的房客。My aunt and I are related by blood. 我的姑妈跟我有血缘关系。I'd made my peace with my aunt before she died.姑妈去世之前我已与她和解。He lives with an aunt who keeps house for him.他和一个姑妈住在一起,由她料理家务。Aunt Alice died, leaving almost $5 million.艾丽斯姑妈死了,留下将近五百万美元的钱。She is the express image of her aunt.她酷似她的姑妈I penned a letter to my aunt today.今天我写了一封信给姑妈She became her aunt's charge after her mother died.她母亲去世后由姑妈照管。She found out that her aunt is alive and well and living in Arizona.她发现姑妈还健在,居住在亚利桑那州。Aunt Rose gave notice that she would be arriving on Tuesday of the following week.罗丝姑妈通知说她下星期二到。She joined her aunt in the sitting room.她到客厅去陪她姑妈了。I recently inherited a pewter tea service from my aunt.我最近从姑妈那继承了一套白镴茶具。My aunt died last year and left me some of her furniture.姑妈去年过世,留了一些旧家具给我。I was stuck talking to Aunt Martha until Mom rescued me.我被玛莎姑妈拉住说个没完,直到妈妈来给我解了围。My aunt has a sincere commitment to Buddhism.姑妈笃信佛教。Aunt Jessica let out an inaudible sigh.杰茜卡姑妈无声地叹了一口气。My aunt's friends always used to give me dirty looks when I brought my kids over, because they knew I wasn't married.我带孩子过去时,我姑妈的那些朋友总是不高兴地瞪着眼睛看我,因为他们知道我没有结婚。My aunt stayed here for more than a week.姑妈在这儿待了一个多星期。




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