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词汇 not go
例句 Much to her parents' consternation, she had decided to not go to college.她决定不去上大学,这让她的父母非常失望。It will cost you to go by train; why not go by bus?你坐火车去要花很多钱,干吗不坐公共汽车?My younger sister dare not go out alone.我妹妹不敢单独出去。Try not to take it personally when your child will not go to sleep.尽量不要把孩子不肯上床睡觉看作是你的错。If you do not go, I shall not go either.如果你不去,那我也不去。He was in fact wrong, but let's not go into that now.他实际上是错了,不过咱们现在先不追究这事儿。A word of apology might not go amiss.道个歉或许并无坏处。I'd rather not go pronouncing on a subject that I know so little about.我不想对一个我知之甚少的话题作任何评论。His suggestion did not go down very well.他的建议没有得到很好的反响。I will not go unless I hear from him.如果他不通知我,我就不去。He was adamant that she should not go.他坚持不让她去。The light does not go straight, but is deflected.光并不是沿直线通过的,而是被弯曲了的。Your spending should not go over your income.你不可入不敷出。Bob would not go to town barefooted if he had all his marbles.鲍勃要是不犯傻的话,就不会赤着脚进城。What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on a cruise?你需要换换环境。为什么不乘船去旅行呢?She could not go on holiday for want of money.她因为缺钱而不能去度假。She told him flat that she would not go to the show.她直截了当地告诉他她是不会去看表演的。She dare not go out of the house.她不敢离开房子。I'd rather not go out this evening. 今晚我不想出门。Your spending should not go over your income.你的支出不应超过你的收入。Gilbert failed to find a stand-in and so could not go to the party.吉尔伯特找不到人临时替他,因此无法参加派对。A sense of proportion would not go amiss in all of this.在这种情况下有点分寸感应该还是有好处的。The liberals in Congress felt the reforms did not go far enough.国会中的自由派人士觉得改革还不够深入。It worried her mother that she did not go back home.她没有回家使她妈妈很担心。Such changes as they made were minor and did not go far enough.他们所做的这些改变都无关痛痒,不够深入。I'd rather not go into that now. Can we discuss it later?我现在不想详细谈论那个问题,我们以后再讨论好不好?They must not go beyond these limits. = They must not exceed these limits.他们不得逾越这些界限。You do not go out to injure opponents.人们不会故意去伤害对手。For need of fund the relief work could not go on.由于缺乏资金,救济工作无法继续进行。He would not go with us for anything.他说什么也不肯同我们一起去。To her annoyance the stranger did not go away.让她恼火的是,那个陌生人并没有走。The new law did not go through.新法案未能通过。I will not go on a plane. As far as I'm concerned, they're just accidents waiting to happen.我是不会去乘飞机的,照我看来,飞机就是在等着事故发生。At the present time, military action would not go over well with the international community目前,军事行动不会得到国际社会的支持。Naked aggression and an attempt to change frontiers by force could not go unchallenged.公然的侵略和企图用武力改变边界的行径是不能置之不理的。The watchman does not go to bed till past midnight.守夜者午夜过后才上床睡觉。I could not go on living with a man who had married me under false pretences.我再也不能和一个靠谎言骗我结婚的男人继续生活下去了。You're here to do a job, not go gallivanting around those country clubs.你来这里是做事的,不是逛那些城郊俱乐部的。The reality is that young people will not go into teaching until salaries are higher.实际情况是,只有薪水上涨年轻人才会去当教师。Let's not go into our argument in front of the neighbours.我们不要在邻居面前谈论我们的争执。




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