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词汇 姐姐
例句 My sister's in trouble with the police again.姐姐又与警察惹上麻烦了。I told my sister what I thought, and she just laughed in my face.我把我的想法告诉姐姐,她当面就嘲笑我。His sister Sarah helped him.姐姐萨拉帮助了他。My sister is right-handed but I'm left-handed.姐姐惯用右手,但我是左撇子。Neil played, by ear, the music he'd heard his older sister practicing.尼尔凭着记忆弹奏他曾听到姐姐练习时弹的曲子。My sister is the math expert in the family, but literature is my domain.姐姐是家里的数学专家,但文学是我擅长的领域。Does your sister have any single friends?姐姐有单身朋友吗?Tell your sister you're sorry!告诉你姐姐你很抱歉!She had to wear her sister's cast-off clothes.她只好穿姐姐不要的旧衣服。She's a little taller than her sister.她比她姐姐略高一些。Gary's first priority on his return home was to patch up his differences with his sister.加里这次回家的第一件大事就是要和姐姐言归于好。Please don't disturb your sister - she's trying to do her homework.请不要打扰你姐姐——她正在做家庭作业。My relationship with my sister was a shield against the ugliness of our childhood.我和姐姐之间的亲情使我们经受住了童年的艰辛与困苦。Abbey was always painfully aware that she was not as pretty as her sister.阿比一直痛苦地意识到自己不如姐姐那么漂亮。He managed to shoulder his sister out of the way.最后他还是用肩膀把姐姐推了出去。I really put my foot in my mouth – I asked her if Jane was her mother, but she said Jane is her sister.我真的让自己无地自容:我问她简是不是她母亲,但是她说简是她姐姐I am a realist, but my sister is a dreamer.我是个现实主义者,但我姐姐是个空想家。My sister's really generous. She's always buying things for her friends.姐姐非常大方,她总是给朋友买东西。In temperament, she was the complete opposite to her sister.她和她姐姐的性格截然不同。My sister let out a gasp when I told her the happy news.当我告诉姐姐这个好消息时,她长舒了一口气。My sister won't agree to our mother going into a nursing home.姐姐不会同意我母亲去养老院的。She cadged money from her sister.她向姐姐讨钱花。He undertook to raise his sister's child.他答应抚养姐姐的孩子。My sister made it to the party, but my brother was a no-show.姐姐及时赶上了聚会,但我哥哥却失约没到。She's being menaced by her sister's latest boyfriend.她正受到姐姐最近一个男友的恐吓。His sister died as a result of alcoholism.姐姐因酗酒而死。She's always imitating her older sister.她总是学她姐姐的样。Your mom could pass as your sister!你妈妈简直可以冒充你姐姐George's sister was married to an Italian.乔治的姐姐嫁给了一个意大利人。I have little time for women because I'm married to my cricket, so I'm leaving the arrangements to my sister.我把全部心思都放在了板球上,很少有时间交女友,所以便把约会一事交由姐姐来安排。My sister just had twins.姐姐刚生了一对双胞胎。Do you think your sister will ever marry?你认为你姐姐会结婚吗?She could image what a lonely life her widowed sister was living.她想像得出她守寡的姐姐过著怎样孤寂的生活。Alice was laughing and joking, but her sister remained silent.艾莉丝有说有笑的,但她姐姐却默不作声。My sister drives a Japanese car.姐姐开着一辆日本产的汽车。I saw my sister's anxious face at the window.我看到了窗口姐姐那张忧心忡忡的脸。She is pictured here with her sister.她和姐姐被画了进去。My sister has a drink problem but she won't admit it.姐姐酗酒成瘾,可她不愿意承认。His older sister had been taken off to the isolation ward.他的姐姐被送到隔离病房。Although now a celebrity in her own right, actress Lynn Redgrave knows the difficulties of living in the shadow of her famous older sister.虽然女演员琳恩·雷德格雷夫现在依靠自己的能力出了名,但她明白生活在大名鼎鼎的姐姐的阴影里有多不容易。




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