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词汇 始终
例句 She remained calm and waited till he had finished shouting at her.始终保持冷静,一直等到他骂完她为止。He maintained an ambivalent attitude to the Church throughout his long life.在他漫长的一生中,他对基督教信仰始终是一种摇摆不定的态度。He complained several times, but the police never followed up.他多次报案,但警方始终没有采取行动。She still holds to the view that violence is never justified.始终坚持暴力永远是不正当的这一观点。We hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature to find out who we are.我们始终如实地反映自然,寻求人的本性。Keep your hands in view at all times.始终把你的手放在明处。The little girl kept her eyes downcast when the headmaster talked to her.校长同小女孩谈话时,她一双眼睛始终低垂著。His education gave him a lasting respect for tradition.他受的教育使他始终对传统抱有尊重。The hoped-for offer of a job never came.期待中的工作通知始终没有来。The team has been playing poorly, but its devoted fans have kept the faith. 这支球队一直表现欠佳,但球队的忠实球迷始终不离不弃。Her face wore a perpetually worried expression.她脸上始终是一副担忧的表情。His wife stood at/by his side throughout the scandal.丑闻期间妻子始终站在他这一边。Britain and France were constantly at odds with each other throughout the negotiations.整个谈判过程中,英法两国始终意见不合。Always practise / practice safe sex!始终坚持安全性交!She has been a constant inspiration to me.始终是不断鼓励我前进的人。The noisy traffic on our street is a constant annoyance.在我们那条街上,行人车辆的噪声吵得人始终不得安生。I suppose I'm lucky because my parents were behind me all the way.我想我是幸运的,因为父母始终支持着我。His plan never got to first base.他的计划始终未能开始实行。His parents tried to discourage his interest in music, but he persisted.他的父母设法打消他对音乐的兴趣,但他始终坚持。The affair was covered up and never reached the papers.这一事件被隐瞒了起来,始终没有见报。Miriam was silent all through the meal.用餐时米利亚姆始终一声不响。He never grew used to the lashings he got from the critics.始终无法忍受评论界对他的刻薄抨击。Pain was his constant companion. 疼痛始终伴随他。Safety has always been our number one priority.安全始终是我们的第一要事。The policemen bore up to their duty in the face of the mob.面对暴民,警察始终忠于职守。She touches upon the issue in the article but never fully explains it.她在文章中提到了这个问题,但始终没有加以全面的解释。He was never able to establish a close relationship with his son.始终未能和儿子建立一种亲密关系。Worryingly for those in favour of competition, the Minister has been resistant to this argument.令那些赞成竞争的人担心的是,部长始终拒绝接受这一论点。The similarities between Mars and Earth were enough to keep alive hopes of some form of Martian life.火星与地球有很多相似之处,这足以让人们始终相信火星上存在某种生命。Media coverage of the issue has been hysterical.媒体在这一问题的报道上始终显得异常兴奋。Movie music can be made memorable because its themes are repeated throughout the film.电影音乐要想让人记住不难,因为它的主旋律贯穿影片始终Meat products must always be kept in hygienic conditions.肉制品必须始终保存在卫生的环境里。The subject was never alluded to.这个题目始终不曾提到。I never did understand what was eating away at her.始终不懂什么事在使她烦心。Modern society does not always correspond to classical notions of democracy.现代社会并不始终与传统的民主观念相一致。Throughout the whole ordeal, she remained true to her husband.在这一场磨难中,她对丈夫始终是忠贞不渝。But all the same I doubt we'll be beating our swords into ploughshares any time soon, not unless they suddenly see sense.但是我始终怀疑我们是否能在不久的将来化干戈为玉帛,除非他们突然开始明白事理。I make it a point to look as healthy and attractive as I can.始终尽可能使自己显得身体健康又富有魅力。He's always been a religious man, and I think that has helped him.始终笃信宗教,我认为这一点帮了他。Women felt that complaining about sexual harrassment was dangerous, as there was always the threat of losing their jobs.女性感到对性骚扰进行投诉是有风险的,因为始终有失去工作的威胁。




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