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At best, the proposal was a lame compromise, but he accepted it.那提议充其量不过是个拙劣的妥协方案,但他接受了。They agreed to the compromise with bad grace.他们勉强接受了这种妥协方案。A compromise on strategic arms limitation was finally in the works.有关战略武器限制的一项妥协方案终于就要达成了。A compromise has been cobbled together.一项妥协方案草率地达成了。Luxembourg sketched out an acceptable compromise between Britain, France and Germany.卢森堡草拟了一项英国、法国和德国之间都可以接受的妥协方案。The two sides have been locked in discussion in a bid to find a compromise.双方在无休止地谈判,试图找到一个妥协方案。They were satisfied with the compromise.他们对妥协方案很满意。Both countries saved face with the compromise.有了这个妥协方案,两个国家都保全了面子。 |