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词汇 妒忌
例句 Greed, pride, envy, and lust are considered to be vices.贪婪、骄傲、妒忌和淫欲都被视为罪恶。He throttled her in a fit of jealous rage.妒忌的怒火突然涌上心头,他掐死了她。Jealousness and pride took predominance and the relationship suffered.相互妒忌和骄傲自大情绪一占上风,关系就恶化了。Envy has always been the shadow of success.妒忌与成功总是如影随形。Cindy felt devoured by jealousy.辛迪心里充满了妒忌Police believe the shootings may have been the work of a jealous boyfriend.警方相信这起枪击事件可能是一个妒忌的男友所为。Professional jealousy can cause problems at work.职业妒忌在工作中可能引起问题。He was jealous of Tom's wealth.妒忌汤姆的财富。He is jealous and full of spite.妒忌别人,满腹怨恨。He is above jealousy.他不会妒忌别人。I thought we were just friends, but when I started dating other men, he suddenly got really jealous.我原以为我们只是朋友而已,可是当我和别的男人开始约会,他突然变得非常妒忌How should a single mother deal with her son's jealousy of her new boyfriend?一个单身母亲该怎么处理儿子妒忌她的新男朋友?He was motivated by greed, envy, and the lust for power.他受了贪婪、妒忌和权力欲的驱使。There were envious murmurs about the new freedoms the Afghans were enjoying.对于阿富汗人享有的新自由,有些心怀妒忌的人颇有微词。The venom of jealousy has poisoned many a relationship.妒忌毒化了许多人际关系。Yet these are mere incidentals alongside Ekland's jealousy.然而这些与艾卡兰的妒忌相比都不值一提。He was jealous of his friend's reputation.妒忌朋友的声誉。He always envied his brother for the way he made friends so easily.他总是妒忌哥哥交朋友如此容易。She was caught between envy and admiration.她不知是该妒忌还是该羡慕。Jealousy was a constant shadow on Mary's happiness.妒忌经常给玛丽的幸福蒙上阴影。You're jealous because the record company rejected your idea.你之所以妒忌是因为唱片公司拒绝接受你的想法。I see people who have opportunities I don't have, and I get envious.我看到别人得到了我没能得到的机会,便心生妒忌She looks good, and enjoys the envious stares of other women.她长得很漂亮,别的女人投来的妒忌目光使她满心欢喜。I could never trace in her one spark of jealousy.我看不出她有丝毫妒忌之意。Why is he so jealous?他为何这么会妒忌She became jealous of my friends and started lashing out at me.她对我的朋友们心生妒忌,并开始对我恶语相向。It never entered my mind that Philip might be jealous.我从来没想过菲利普可能会妒忌Jealousy can ruin relationships.妒忌会破坏感情。She was insane with jealousy/anger.妒忌/气得发疯。I expect some of your colleagues will be jealous.我想你的一些同事会妒忌的。Before you get green with envy, I had to do a lot of stuff that wasn't so glamorous, too.你先别忙着妒忌,我也是做了许多默默无闻的事的。He grudged me my little prize, though he had won a bigger one.妒忌我的小奖,尽管他得了个大奖。They gazed in a mixture of envy and admiration at the beauty of the statue.他们凝视着这座雕像,既为它的美丽所折服,又心生妒忌She was so jealous that she wouldn't let her husband dance with anyone else.她生性十分妒忌,不让丈夫跟其他任何人跳舞。His success has made some of his old friends jealous.他的成功让一些老朋友妒忌They enjoyed an income and lifestyle that many people would envy.他们享有很多人都会妒忌的收入和生活方式。I could see he was envious.我能看出来他在妒忌She got insanely jealous and there was a terrible fight.妒忌得发疯,然后大吵了一架。Small jealousies loomed large in prison.人与人之间那些小肚鸡肠的妒忌在监狱里会凸显出来。Some fathers are jealous of the attention a new baby receives, even if they won't admit it.有些做父亲的会因为新生婴儿吸引了别人的注意力而妒忌,尽管他们不肯承认。




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