例句 |
Light and sound have different wavelengths.光和声具有不同的波长。The reflected light was found to be missing infrared wavelengths.他们发现反射的光线波谱中缺少红外线波长。Because of their long wavelengths, mega-tsunamis are extremely destructive when they hit a coastline. 因为其很长的波长,超级海啸袭击海岸线时具有极度的破坏性。These wavelengths correspond to red in the visible spectrum.这些波长相当于可见光谱中的红光。Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation.阳光由几种不同波长的射线组成。Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation.阳光由不同波长的辐射组成。 |