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词汇 妇女们
例句 Ideas of feminine incapacity are also internalized by women.认为女性无能的看法也被妇女们接受而融为自我意识的一部分。The women participated enthusiastically in literacy classes.妇女们积极参加扫盲班。The women set up bingo games and bake sales to raise money for the charity.妇女们安排宾戈游戏,组织糕饼义卖会筹集善款。Women in white aprons gossiped in the alley between the apartment blocks.系着白色围裙的妇女们在公寓大楼间的小巷里说着东家长西家短。The women cooed over the new baby.妇女们对着新生婴儿钟情地低语。Women buy this soap because of the prettiness of its presentation.妇女们买这种肥皂是因为它外观漂亮。At the edge of the lake, women were doing their washing.妇女们正在湖边洗衣服。Women were beginning to take responsibility for things outside the domestic sphere.妇女们开始担负起家庭之外的责任。Women banded together to protect each other.妇女们团结来相互保护。The women had begun to agitate for better conditions.妇女们已经开始抗议,要求改善条件。The women shut themselves behind closed doors to weave their cloth.妇女们把自己关在屋里织布。The women who worked in these mills had begun to agitate for better conditions.在这些工厂里做工的妇女们开始抗议要求改善工作条件。The women spoke in turn.妇女们依次发言。Women have been pressing for equal rights and pay for years.妇女们多年来一直在要求实现男女平等和同工同酬。Women clutched small children as they left.妇女们离开的时候都紧紧抓住小孩。He led the campaign for women to become Anglican priests.他领导了妇女们争取英国圣公会牧师资格的运动。The bonds of sisterhood have helped unite women to fight for social equality.姐妹情谊把妇女们团结起来为争取社会平等而奋斗。Women claimed they were given unequal treatment.妇女们声称她们受到了不平等待遇。




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