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词汇 in state
例句 In recent years, governments have tried to cut the Gordian knot by imposing cuts in state support to the railways.近年来,政府重拳出击,减少了对铁路部门的资助。The royal family lives in state.王室过着豪华的生活。Do you think the teaching in private schools is better than in state schools?你认为私立学校的教学比州立学校的好吗?More than half of all juvenile delinquents currently in state institutions have disturbed family backgrounds.目前关押在州监狱的少年犯半数以上都有不良家庭背景。The visiting President was received in state.来访的总统受到隆重接待。The Queen rode in state to the opening of Parliament.女王隆重地乘车前往出席议会开幕典礼。There was a belief amongst teachers in state schools that pupils in independent schools were angelic.过去公立学校的教师认为,私立学校的学生是很守规矩的。There are some bad teachers in state schools, but the same thing goes for private schools as well.国立学校里有一些蹩脚的老师,但在私立学校里也是如此。The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics.基督教右翼组织在国家政治中逐渐获得越来越广泛的支持。The superstar lives in state.那个超级明星过著豪华的生活。Many people have protested at the cuts in state benefits.很多人都对削减国家福利提出了抗议。There is considerable room for improvement in state facilities for treating the mentally handicapped.国家现有的用于智障病人治疗的设施还有相当大的改进余地。The government cut spending through reductions in state subsidies to industry.政府通过削减国家对工业的补贴来减少开支。The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics.基督教右派在国家政治中的影响力正在逐步增大。He had wearied of teaching in state universities.他已经厌烦了在州立大学教书。The tribunal debarred him from teaching in state schools for life.法庭判决他终身不得在公立学校教书。Ordinary workers in state industry, once favoured, suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the heap.曾经养尊处优的国企普通工人,突然发现自己已跌至社会底层。Generations of Native American children in state schools were punished for speaking their own language, even privately.在公立学校里,一代又一代的印第安儿童因为说自己的语言而受到了惩罚,即使是私下里说说也不行。Workers in state enterprises were permitted to moonlight.国有企业的工人可以从事第二职业。




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