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词汇 奴隶
例句 There were more slaves than citizens in ancient Athens.在古代的雅典,奴隶比城镇自由民多。He had instructed the slaves what to say when questioned.他指示奴隶们当受到盘问时要说些什么。Man must not become the servant of the machine.人决不可成为机器的奴隶He was mocked for his slavish devotion to his boss.大家嘲弄他,说他对老板像奴隶一般忠诚。We are increasingly enslaved by technology.我们日益成为技术的奴隶Masters sometimes allowed slaves to buy their way out of bondage.奴隶主有时候允许奴隶为自己赎身。She was incarcerated in her own sensibility.她完全成了自身多愁善感的奴隶That war preserved the Union and emancipated the slaves.那场战争保住了联邦政府,并使奴隶获得了自由。They stripped the slaves of their dignity.他们剥夺了奴隶的尊严。During the civil war, he led a black regiment of freed slaves.在内战期间,他领导了一群被解放的黑人奴隶The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs.这项法案有明确的目的,即保护被解放的奴隶免受白人暴民的伤害。Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.亚伯拉罕‧林肯解放了奴隶George was born to an enslaved African mother.乔治的母亲是个非洲奴隶Many slaves bought their freedom with what they saved from farming.许多奴隶用耕作攒下的钱赎回自由身。When I bade him yield he cast down his sword and made himself my slave.我命令他投降,于是他丢下剑,成为我的奴隶The slaves were set free.奴隶们获得了自由。We can't ignore our country's painful history of slavery.我们不能漠视我们国家痛苦的奴隶史。Slaves could be bought and sold at the whim of their masters.当时奴隶可由奴隶主随意买卖。A drunkard is in bondage to alcohol.酒鬼是酒的奴隶The slaves had to swear obedience to their masters.奴隶不得不发誓服从主人。Do it yourself! I'm not your slave!你自己干!我不是你的奴隶Slaves were traditionally viewed as their masters' property.奴隶过去长期被视为奴隶主的财产。As a slave he was required to do his master's bidding without question.身为奴隶,他必须无条件服从奴隶主。George Washington Carver was born a slave.乔治·华盛顿·卡弗生来就是个奴隶There were no divisions between men and women, slave or freeman, Jew or Gentile.男人和女人,奴隶和自由民,犹太人和非犹太人之间,并没有什么界限。It makes me sick the way she treats him like a slave.她把他当做奴隶看待,令我很生气。The Greek slaves manned the banks in the Roman galleys.古罗马有桨帆船两边的桨是由希腊奴隶划的。In the old days, the slaves used to be shackled with heavy metal chains.古时候,奴隶们身上常锁着沉重的金属镣铐。He treats her like a slave.他把她当奴隶对待。The slave escaped and became a free man.那个奴隶逃走了,从此变成了自由人。The slaves yearned for freedom.奴隶们渴望自由。He treated the slaves like animals.他待奴隶就像对待动物一样。A quarter of the slaves died in the Middle Passage.四分之一的奴隶在贩运中途死亡。Slaves were sometimes beaten with sticks or even whipped.奴隶有时会遭棒打甚至鞭抽。The determinist doctrines in question maintained that certain people were born to be slaves.决定论信条认为有些人天生就是奴隶的命。The slaves rose up in rebellion.奴隶们起来造反。The pyramids were built by slave labor.金字塔由奴隶工建造。The slaves were treated with sickening cruelty.奴隶们受到了令人发指的虐待。It is now thought that the Pyramids were not built using slave labour.人们现在认为金字塔当年不是靠做苦工的奴隶建成的。She was forced to work as a virtual slave for a rich family.她被迫几乎像奴隶一样为一家富人干活。




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