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词汇 女巫
例句 Women were burned as witches in the middle ages.妇女在中世纪时被当成女巫烧死。The witch disappeared in a puff of smoke.女巫消失在一缕青烟中。They claimed that the witch had cursed their cattle.他们声称女巫对他们的牛下了诅咒。The witch cast a spell on the poor little girl.女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施了妖术。The witch had turned them all into stone.女巫把他们都变成了石头。My daughter wore a witch costume in the Hallowe'en parade.我女儿在万圣节游行时穿了女巫的服装。The witch cast a spell on them.女巫对他们施了咒。In fairy stories the Prince is always very handsome, and the witch hideous.在童话故事里,王子总是英俊潇洒,女巫则容貌丑陋。The witch was hideously ugly.那个女巫丑得吓人。The witch turned him to stone.女巫把他变成了石头。The witch pronounced a curse in some strange language.女巫用一种奇怪的语言念咒语。The witch changed him into a frog.女巫把他变成了青蛙。The witch turned the prince into a frog.女巫把王子变成了青蛙。The central character is a malevolent witch out for revenge.主角是一个想复仇的恶毒女巫The old woman had only pretended to be so kind; she was in reality a wicked witch.那老妇只是装出和善的样子,其实她是个恶毒的女巫The witches moved in a weird dance.女巫们装神弄鬼地手舞足蹈。They say she died after a witch cast a spell on her.他们说她是被一个女巫施了魔法后死的。Macbeth believed the witches' prophecy about his future.麦克白相信女巫对他的未来的预言。She played the part of the wicked stepmother/witch in the play.她在剧中扮演邪恶的继母/女巫People nowadays are incredulous about ghosts and witches.现在人们对鬼怪、女巫都不相信了。In the book the evil witch curses the villagers.在这本书中,邪恶的女巫念咒语诅咒村民。The Salem witch trials have proved to be a legal travesty.塞勒姆女巫案被证实是对法律的歪曲。The enchantresses taught him how to turn the eggs into palaces, and back again.女巫们教他如何将鸡蛋变为宫殿然后再把它们还原。The names Witches Well, Candlemaker Row and Grassmarket Square evoke visions of another era.女巫井、烛匠街和草市广场等名字激起人们对另一时代的幻想。Carmelina knew that the bird was really the handsome prince under a spell from the wicked witch.卡尔梅莉娜知道那只鸟其实是被那邪恶的女巫施了魔法的英俊王子。She's a witch, and she'll cast a spell on you if she catches you.她是个女巫,如果让她逮住,她就会对你下咒语。They claim to be white witches.她们自称是善良的女巫A witch casts a spell on the children, who fall asleep.一个女巫对这些孩子施了魔咒,孩子们就睡着了。A witch had changed him into a mouse.女巫把他变成了一只老鼠。There is no exact male equivalent for witches.没有和女巫完全对等的男性角色。




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