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词汇 cease-fire
例句 The incident ruptures a recent and fragile cease-fire.此事件打破了最近达成的脆弱的停火协议。The two sides agreed on a cease-fire.双方达成了停火协议。An international group is trying to negotiate a cease-fire between the belligerents.某国际组织正试图在交战双方之间进行停战斡旋。Since the cease-fire there have been no major battles, only scattered firefights.停火以来没有发生过重大的战斗,只不过有一些稀稀拉拉的交火。There was to be a cease-fire, and all prisoners of war were to be repatriated.要实行停火了,所有战俘都要被遣送回国。They can call for a cease-fire to provide a conducive atmosphere for peace talks.他们呼吁停火,以便创造有助于和谈的气氛。The countries each sent representatives to negotiate a cease-fire.每个国家分别派出代表协商以求达成停火协议。They will hold talks in Paris where they will try to hammer out the details of the cease-fire.他们将在巴黎举行会谈,试图敲定停火协议的细节。There were only pockets of fighting after the cease-fire.停火之后只有一些零星的战斗。They insist on full withdrawal as a precondition for any cease-fire.他们坚持把完全撤军作为停火的前提。The cease-fire was stipulated by the treaty.协议要求停火。Negotiators are trying to mediate a cease-fire.谈判人员正努力促成停火协议。U.N. peacekeepers mediated a new cease-fire.联合国维和人员促成了新一轮的停火。The military modalities of a cease-fire are more easily negotiated than the political modalities.停火的军事步骤要比政治步骤容易达成协议。




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