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词汇 calories
例句 A glass of wine does have quite a lot of calories.一杯葡萄酒的热量确实不低。As we get older, our body becomes less efficient at burning up calories.随着年龄的增长,我们的身体消耗热量的能力越来越弱。Women tend to burn up calories less efficiently than men.女性消耗热量往往比男性慢。Running is an excellent way to burn off excess calories.跑步是消耗多余热量的极好办法。I'm trying to watch my calories at the moment.目前我正在努力控制体重。I need to go and work off a few of these calories.我要去消耗掉一些卡路里。You should try to eat fewer calories and exercise more.你应该尽量少吃高热量食物,多运动。To change your body shape you need to burn calories.要改变你的体形,你需要消耗热量。Alcohol is loaded with calories.烈酒卡路里含量很高。Alcohol has a lot of empty calories.酒热量很高,但没什么营养。She is trying to eliminate excess fat and calories from her diet.她正尽量去除饮食中多余的脂肪和卡路里。The casserole is low in calories and fat.这砂锅菜肴热量和脂肪含量很低。The amount of calories a person needs each day is determined by the type of work they do.一个人每天所需的热量多少取决于他们所从事的工作。Choose foods that are high in fiber and low in calories.选择高纤维低热量的食物。Non-fat dairy products supply the needed nutrients without excessive calories.脱脂乳制品能提供身体所需的营养,而不含过多的热量。Our bodies burn food/calories.我们的身体要消耗食物/卡路里。We asked a dietician to add up the calories in the meals.我们请一位营养师计算各餐的热量总和。Running up sand dunes or jumping waves will burn calories and tone muscles.往沙丘上跑或跳浪有助于消耗热量,强健肌肉。Chinese cooking is both low in calories and healthful.中式烹饪不仅热量低,而且有益健康。Even the most elaborate dishes on the menu were quite low on calories.这菜单上即便是制作最精美的菜品其热量也非常低。Ice-cream is very high in calories.冰激淋的卡路里含量很高。Potatoes fill us up without overloading us with calories.吃土豆容易让我们有一种饱胀感,又不会摄入过多的热量。The good thing about exercise is that it burns off calories.锻炼的好处在于能消耗卡路里。If you're watching the calories, don't have mayonnaise.如果你在意卡路里的摄入量,就不要吃蛋黄酱。You need to exercise more to burn off the calories.你需要多运动来消耗卡路里。Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.因为你没有消耗热量,吃进去的东西都变成了脂肪组织。Many slimming diets don't provide enough calories to satisfy hunger.许多瘦身食谱不能够提供足够的热量满足饥饿感。Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories.肌肉细胞需要很多能量,所以会燃烧大量卡路里。We can measure the energy that food provides in calories.我们可以用卡路里来测量食物提供的能量。I decided to go for a run to try and burn off a few calories.我决定去跑跑步,消耗一点热量。Vegetables are relatively low in calories.蔬菜的卡路里含量较低。The number of calories in different brands of drinks varies enormously.不同牌子的饮料所含的卡路里数大不相同。A cup of black tea or black coffee contains no calories.一杯不加牛奶的茶或咖啡不含热量。An athlete in training needs a lot of calories.进行训练的运动员需要很多热量。Most fast foods are high in calories.大多数快餐食品都是高热量的。I don't count calories, but I am careful about what I eat.我不控制体重,但很注意饮食。Brisk walking burns up more calories than slow jogging.快走比慢跑消耗热量多。They look for foods that are low in calories.他们寻找低卡路里的食物。Dancers burn up a lot of calories.舞蹈演员消耗大量的卡路里。How many calories are there in a slice of chocolate cake?一块巧克力蛋糕含有多少卡路里?




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