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Already the awards are causing resentment in the lower ranks of council officers.奖项已使政务委员会的低层官员们愤愤不平。She won many awards during her acting career.她在演艺事业中获得过很多奖项。The award recognizes distinction in exploration, discovery, and research.该奖项表彰在探索、发现和研究方面的卓越贡献。She has built up a large collection of awards.她已获得了很多奖项。So those were the top eight awards. There were about a zillion more.这就是前八大奖项,此外还有多得数不清的奖。The prize will go to the writer whose story shows the most imagination.这个奖项将颁给作品最具想象力的作家。The teacher accepted the award on behalf of the whole class.老师代表全班同学接受了这个奖项。The awards have been a springboard for many young photographers.这些奖项是很多年轻摄影家走向成功的跳板。The movie mopped up all the awards.这部电影包揽了全部奖项。Prizes are awarded entirely on merit.奖项完全根据表现来颁发。This award is a fitting testament to their high standards.该奖项是他们的高水平的最好证明。The award confirmed her status as one of the great movie actresses.这一奖项奠定了她作为杰出的女影星之一的地位。She teared up as the award was presented to her.当奖项授予给她时,她眼里涌起了泪水。It was the British who took the honours at last night's Oscars.昨晚奥斯卡颁奖典礼上英国人赢得了大部分奖项。China's women divers achieved a clean sweep in yesterday's competitions.在昨天的比赛中,中国女子跳水队夺得全部奖项。The judges will award a prize to the best speaker.评委们将授予最佳演讲者奖项。She was the first woman to win this coveted prize.她是第一位赢得这个令人垂涎的奖项的女性。Sue and John were especially thrilled with this award.休和约翰对于获得这个奖项感到兴奋不已。The actress waltzed off with several awards.这个女演员轻松获得了多个奖项。The novel was short-listed to win the award.这部小说被列入角逐此奖项的入围名单。The awards invariably go to someone other than myself.奖项总是被别人拿走,而不是我。The restaurant's standards of excellence have won it several awards.这个饭店卓越的水准为其赢得了多个奖项。It now seems a racing certainty that Besson will win the award.现在看起来贝森肯定要赢得这个奖项。The award was a fitting end to a distinguished career.这个奖项为一个杰出的职业生涯画上了完美的句号。She proposed her teacher for the award.她提名她的老师获此奖项。This award recognizes excellence in urban design.这个奖项是对城市设计的杰出成就的认可。This prestigious award has slipped through their fingers yet again.他们再次与这份享有盛誉的奖项擦身而过。When Elvis first became famous he had honours and awards showered upon him.埃尔维斯最初成名时,荣誉和奖项就纷至沓来。His plays for radio and television have received several prizes and many literary plaudits.他的广播剧、电视剧作品获得了数个奖项,大受文学界的褒奖。He won the award, but some suspected he got the sympathy vote following his struggle with cancer.他赢得了这个奖项,但有些人怀疑这是因为他与癌症的抗争赢得了同情票。Previous winners of the prize have been Quincy Jones and Dizzy Gillespie.该奖项以前的获得者一直是昆西·琼斯和迪齐·吉莱斯皮。I was delighted to be a nominee and to receive such a prestigious award in recognition of our company's achievements.我很高兴获得提名,也很荣幸接受如此声誉卓越的奖项,这是对我们公司所取得成就的认可。Receiving this award is a real thrill.得到这个奖项真令人激动。The prize is awarded annually for the best new building.这一奖项每年一次,授予本年度的最佳新建筑。In accepting this award, I would like to thank the producer, the director, the scriptwriter, and, lastly, the film crew.获得这个奖项,我要感谢制片人、导演、编剧,还有摄制组全体成员。The novel has garnered much praise and several awards.这部小说获得了很多赞誉和数个奖项。They presented the award to him in absentia. 他们在他缺席的情况下授予了他奖项。The prize went to the long-haired cat.奖项由那只长毛猫获得。The award is being made in belated recognition of her services to the industry.这一奖项是对她为本行业所作贡献的迟来的表彰。Prizes are awarded on the Board's recommendation.奖项是根据董事会的推荐来颁发的。 |